Everyday the Same Dream – Who isn’t afraid of the mundane, 9 to 5 cubicle job? Exactly. To take the edge off the Matrix feel of your day job, tap into this great game, Everyday the Same Dream, brought to us by Molleindustria. I won’t spell the beans too much, I’ll just give you a heads up: there are five stages to this beautiful and slightly stoic game, and the ending is a good one, in a way… Confused? Simply start playing and enjoy the wonderful music by Jesse Stiles.
Sand Castle – Sand Castle is a mix of strategy and shooting in this medieval defense game. Defend your city from the invading ships. Use different types of cannons and ammo to sink them! When I first saw the logo of this game I thought I was going to build a sand castle. Apparently names can be deceiving. At any rate you can be sure that our Weekly Games will never pull your leg. Every Wednesday we offer amazing new games, so stay tuned each week.
Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on the All My Faves Games fan page on Facebook to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!
Helicops – Take to the air in the meanest Helicopter brawl around. Deliver your own patented brand of Justice to the criminals who have invaded the skies of your fair city. Well. Not on your watch. You are the best of the best, the bravest of the brave, you are a HeliCop. DO YOUR DUTY.
Escape: The Dungeon – A simple little point and click adventure. Enjoy, and watch out for the sequel!
Tuper Tario Tros. – It seems Mario needs to think out of the brick now that Tetris pieces are falling from the sky. This experiment is the first one in a series that we will try to bring to you, sailors
Blast Master – Find out if you are the master baster in the chain reaction puzzle game Blast Master! Place various elements wisely and then blow up the entire screen!
Nom Nom Adventures – Nom Nom is a cute platform flash game featuring a squirrel called Nom Nom on his quest to get back his stolen nuts. Nom Nom features 30 levels, intense boss battles, power ups, and much more!
Huje Adventure – Having used their special building abilities the Hujos have now climbed all the way up onto an asteroid. It’s your job to explore the unknown asteroid. Make use of the Huje creatures’ special abilities to complete all 25 levels.
Grayscale – Move your ball along the lines as you turn gears and whiles to make yourself a path to the exit.
Lab Rat: The Quest for Cheese – Help the rat find all forty two cheeses from around the world in this jazzy maze game.
Gravit-Eye – Soar through 40 unique levels. Shift the direction of the gravity and guide the eye through all mazes by jumping from platform to platform.
Way Of an Idea – Your objective is to draw chalk-lines on the board to guide the apple (the idea) on its way to Einstein’s head.
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund – The title of this post is provocative for a reason. We’ve all been hearing, seeing and talking about the devastating earthquake that hit the Haitian coast. Since this Caribbean country is the poorest in the Western hemisphere with about 80% of the population living below poverty line (CIA Factbook), Haiti needs money, and it needs it fast. In addition to the many organizations and funds you may use to make contributions (see our Support Haiti mini faves), there’s also the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (CBHF).
According to their About section, CBHF was founded as a result of President Obama’s request from former Presidents Clinton and W. Bush to help raise funds for this noble cause. The Fund’s aim is “to respond to unmet needs in the country, foster economic opportunity, improve the quality of life over the long term for those affected, and assist the people of Haiti as they rebuild their lives and “build back better.” That’s all there is to it. We all simply need to join in and help rebuild Haiti and support its population. Doing good will make you feel even better.
Valetmag – Valet is a swanky, sophisticated spot-on resource for men’s fashion, culture, maintenance, gear and well being. Although there are many blogs and websites catering to the same masculine needs, this one is exceptionally better than the rest. Don’t believe me? See their section on the Female Perspective and decide for yourself. Valet provides terrific content and tips, all wrapped up in a beautifully designed package. It’s well executed on a comprehensive level, which is why I’m subscribed to this publication via RSS despite the fact that I’m not part of their targeted audience (i.e. I’m a woman). But I do believe women all over will equally relish on Valet’s posts, as this is a great opportunity to tap into the male world we often find hard to understand… Here’s one of my favorite posts, a quick review of Men’s Fashion Week in Milan.
Houzz – Did you get a chance to visit our blogs page? If you haven’t, it’s a one-stop place for many great blogs in various categories such as architecture, style, design, finance and many others. Even though we spent a lot of time creating this page, we might have missed out on some excellent blogs, and this is exactly where you come in – we want to hear your suggestions. I am telling you this because it was through a user’s suggestion that we learned of Houzz. Adi Tatarko, a Houzz contributor, contacted us and filled us in on an excellent architecture blog site. From our very first dive into Houzz we fell in love with it and decided to give it a Weekly spot. In addition, we’ve added it to the architecture faveline on the Blogs page, as well as to the architecture minipage.
So what is Houzz anyway? It’s “a place where you can find inspiration, information and moral support from other home design fanatics. Browse photos, get ideas from hundreds of designers from around the world, and save it all in your virtual idea book. It’s the online version of cutting pages out of magazines and stuffing them in a folder, which makes it much easier to search, save, and share.” I am not an architecture freak myself but I can nevertheless appreciate good quality when I see it. Houzz has it. A lot of it actually. I especially enjoyed these two articles, Houzz Interview: Jennifer’s Old Painted Cottage and Unique Color Combinations: Purple + Yellow. Below are my favorite designs, found in the posts mentioned above.
EpiCute – Not all ‘cute’ sites are created equal. The majority of such sites are, indeed, cute (see Cute Overload and The Cute Project for example, both focused on animals). EpiCute is also cute, but in a different way; it’s “a blog about cute food. It’s run by an anxious twentysomething who spends her day sneaking pictures of cupcakes, bento lunches & the occasional guinea pig to relax.” Is it as fun as watching cute creatures? It depends on who you are asking. Are you an animal person or a food person? But that doesn’t really matter; the important thing is that everyone loves cute things. Start with the ones below.
We Interrupt – Last week I mentioned the Optimist, a site that deals with good news. We Interrupt has a different concept, quite a 180 from the former. It takes unfortunate events and emphasizes the specific details that render the big picture ironic as hell. It’s “an independent online community newspaper that focuses on the bizarre, absurd, interesting, humorous and sometimes inane events.” I must admit. I had the bizarre realization that I enjoy both kinds of news stories… So what made me giggle? Floor Of Weight Watchers Meeting Collapsed Under Weight Of Occupants, Oops: School Staff Given Insulin Instead Of Swine Flu Vaccination and the great video below.
One Frame of Fame – C-Mon and Kypski are an acclaimed music duo who recently released their second album, We Are Square. Their debut, Where The Wild Things Are, was described as European hot stuff by Esquire Magazine. That’s really nice, but why are we featuring this site? Well, One Frame of Fame is C-Mon and Kypski’s ingenious web 2.0 exploitation – inviting users to take part in their music video. Users can participate by simply recording themselves on their webcam. Apart from this innovative, interactive approach on part of the band, the music is amazing and their websites (both official and One Frame of Fame) are extremely sexy and engaging.
I strongly encourage you to drop by this terrific project and leave your mark. To see what the said video looks like up to this point, simply hit play on the video – it’ll be the first thing you’ll see on the homepage. What are you waiting for? This is a no brainer….
XKCD – Humor is universal, we all know that. But we also know each field and every niche that lies somewhere on the vast gamut of possible professions and cultures entail a specific kind of humor. It’s that seemingly dull comment on rocks that makes geologists giggle, those Yiddish words only New Yorkers understand or doctors’ jokes around the operation room only hospital staff can identify with. Based on this humor premise is XKCD, a cartoon/comic website for the highly intelligent, engineery audience. It’s a “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.”
The site was created by a former robots specialist at NASA who is also a CNU physics graduate. And just in case you were wondering what XKCD stands for, here’s the explanation: “It’s just a word with no phonetic pronunciation — a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings.” This site is a great coffee break place for the more sophisticated and geeky persons out there. I enjoyed Floor Tiles, X Girls Y Cups (funny if you know what it refers to) and Canada.
Whale Footage – Decades of over-hunting, endangered species lists and what have you are well associated with marine mammals, whales and dolphins especially. Today, despite hunting and human presence in the oceans, the situation of many of these gracious creatures is as grave as ever. We ought to acknowledge the complexity of bottle nosed dolphins’ intelligence, the gigantic blue whale’s social structure (largest mammal in the world), and quite simply, the right of every creature on this planet to live peacefully.
Whale Footage offers us the most precious privilege of viewing hours of film – real footage of the magnificent sea mammals – in their element, at sea. Words cannot express the admiration and bewilderment I felt as I watched these. Dive in and experience the big blue as never before. And speaking of the Big Blue, you might want to rent the DVD when you get a chance….
Sweet Station – Sweet Station is an eclectic blog, and according to their about us it is “a place for our thoughts and ramblings in the fields of paintings, illustrating, advertising, photography, product design, architecture, installation design, graphic arts and well, pretty much anything we want to talk about.” As you can see it has a bit of everything that relates to creativity. Below are pic accompanying the posts I was inspired the most by. Click on them to read the full story. By the way, if you’re keen on discovering more sensually eclectic blogs in the creative realm, check our Design page.
Another cool section worth exploring in Sweet Station is the Stickers page. It presents pictures people took with the Sweet Station logo in various places in the world. Want your photo to be featured as well? No problem – click here, send them an email and the stickers will be sent to you. I already did my part and now I’m waiting for the stickers to arrive…