You Drive What? – Shock and Awe on Wheels

youdrivewhat You Drive What? – Vehicles that draw the attention of passersby and other drivers on the road are an appeal many people wish for themselves. You Drive What? does concern that same wow effect, only from a more bizarre, much more bizarre standpoint. The site offers photos of truly one of a kind, often distasteful looking cars and automobiles. To give an example, see this boat looking car. Want more? No prob. See the photos below. And just in case you come across an appropriate candidate on the highway, you’re always welcome to submit the pic and share the oddity…

Exactitudes – Accurate Human Documentation

exactitudes Exactitudes – Don’t let the initial visual clutter sway you from exploring this site. Click on any ol’ box of photos and dive into an innovative and unique art experience (photography to be exact). Exactitudes is a Dutch photographic exhibition, devised by Rotterdam-based photographer Ari Versluis and profiler Ellie Uyttenbroek. The two collaborators were “inspired by a shared interest in the striking dress codes of various social groups,” and “have systematically documented numerous identities over the last 14 years.

This truly extraordinary project is actually a multi-disciplinary art series, involving photography, geography, anthropology, even fashion. Check out Mohawks, Bimbos and Vagabonds, just to name a few of the Exactitudes amazing photo series. Each of these is zoomable (click on the photos) and accompanied by an intriguing aphoristic annotation, so enjoy the ride – I know I did.


HeliCops – Call of Duty, Airborne Style

helicops HeliCopsTake to the air in the meanest Helicopter brawl around. Deliver your own patented brand of justice to the criminals who have invaded the skies of your fair city. Well. Not on your watch. You are the best of the best, the bravest of the brave, you are a HeliCop. Do your duty!

Check back every Wednesday for the best games out there.

Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on the All My Faves Games fan page on Facebook to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

chibiknight Chibi Knight3 Beasts have ravaged the kingdom of Oukoku. Legend tells of a small warrior who will save the kingdom. Enjoy this action RPG with tons of fun and challenging boss battles!

thegoldenbird The Golden Bird of ParadiseA trip to tropical paradise. No way anything will come in between that can disturb this! The tropical environments will bring you more than relaxing and cocktails at the beach… if only you knew. The jungle hides secrets you don’t know of, locals do know more, but do not reveal all… Questions rise, irreversible decisions have to be made to finally reveal the mystery of the golden bird in Paradise.


hermit The HermitHelp Kermit the Hermit through various rooms full of little but also bigger riddles you must solve.

gluey GlueyThe blobs are trapped, and only you can free them. Click large blobs to make them disappear, and use special items to improve your score! Each round is unique and random. Stuck? Just restart the level and get a new starting combination!


vampirefever Vampire FeverYou’re Viro, a ninja who fights against evil creatures! But instead of using conventional weapons, you spread a virus which only affects demons and the undead.

squraegohome Square Go HomeGuide the little square-shaped aliens to their spaceship safely. Collect all the crystals to unlock special levels.

trickytracker Tricky TrackerRide across the most beautiful places of the world. Do stunts and collect coins and stars to get extra score.

penguindestroyer Penguin DestroyerLaunch grenades out of your cannon just right to explode physics objects and penguins.


puffballpuzzles Puffball PuzzlesDestroy the bricks and rocks and work out how to get all the valuable Puffballs safely into your crates. Puffball puzzles is an addictive result of combining a physic and puzzle game together.

hoshi Hoshi Saga Ringo – Hoshi Saga Ringo is the 4th installment in the series. The concept of the game remains the same: find the star in each of the 16 main levels (unlock 9 extra levels). But this time, no more black and white graphics, the color is here!

Know Your Meme – The Pulse of Internet Culture

hnowyourmeme Know Your Meme – When I come across an interesting, funny or compelling video on the web, I never keep it to myself. Like everyone else, I share it around with friends and family. The billions of Internet users these days (you and me included) navigate and interact on the net on a daily basis. The inevitable result is the unintentional establishment of Internet or Cyber Culture, constructed and reconstructed by the transference of memes. What are memes anyway? According to Wikipedia, Internet meme is a phrase used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet.

Know Your Meme tries to keep up with the dynamic world of memes and viral trends on the Web by “documenting Internet phenomena: viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebs and more… [It is] a web series and online database dedicated to documenting Internet culture, one scientismic investigation at a time.” In practical terms, when you click on a meme, you’ll see a profile-like page listing the meme’s origin, the meme itself (photo or video), a graph of ‘Interest over Time’ and comments submitted by users. It’s a great tracking tool for all the viral info circulating the web. To see some examples of Know Your Meme, click on the video and pictures below – my personal favorites.

StillTasty – Keep It or Toss It?

stilltasty StillTasty – My mother is a postharvest researcher of fruit and vegetables, and as far as I’m concerned, this makes her the superior authority on all things produce.  Whenever I would take out something from the fridge with a day or two past the Use Before date, I’d ask her for the final verdict on whether it was OK to eat it or not. As a child it always seemed odd to me that the printed date on products are rather inaccurate, but I never questioned my mom because you know as well as I do that mother knows best…

StillTasty eliminates any uncertainty regarding the freshness bar of all produce products; type in any food item or beverage and get solid answers on how long you can keep it in the fridge or freezer before it gets spoiled. The results are remarkable – I was surprised to see how these concurred on my mom’s estimations. I checked for example milk, cheese, chicken and Coca-Cola, and was shocked to see that in many of the cases I can keep these quite longer than their respective expiration date. While exploring StillTasty I also found these two interesting articles which I strongly recommend that you read: 3 Ways to Defrost Food Safely and Expiration Dates: Should You Pay Attention?

Ikea Hacker – Screwing the Swedish Giant (with hammers and screwdrivers)

ikeahacker Ikea Hacker – Ikea has many advantages; it is affordable, doesn’t require a moving company as most products and assembly kits fit into a medium sized family car. In addition, the assembly itself is rather simple and often is also fun. It’s kind of like Lego for grownups. On the other hand, there is a big disadvantage to Ikea:  what you see is what you get. You can’t request a different color, different size or different design.

Ikea Hacker refuses to come to terms with these restrictions and displays many examples of how people have modified what they bought from Ikea into something else that’s more creative and rewarding. Some of these DIY projects seem bizarre, I’ll admit, but for the most part, they are practical and inspiring. Below are before and after pictures of the hack that impressed me the most. For more hacks check out Ikea Hacker’s top picks for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Design By Humans – Dress Code of the Creative Community

designbyhumans Design By Humans – Cool T-shirts are everywhere; online, in stores, you name it. One can never be tired of this ever-changing apparel field, which has ceased being restricted to men. In fact, most T-shirt sellers these days have both genders listed in their websites, and rightly so. But how come we’re featuring a T-shirt e-commerce site here on the Weekly Faves and blog? One word: excellence.

Design By Humans is a creative community offering contest-based, custom designs of T-shirts, submitted by users everywhere and designed by artists all over the globe. With their main offices located in Irvine, CA, Design By Humans constitutes a top notch, not to mention extremely appealing online T-shirts store. Add the fabulous design and interface into the mix and you find yourself in apparel heaven. Below are some of my top pick designs.

YesButNoButYes – Perhaps the Greatest Pop Culture Blog

yesbutno YesButNoButYesFrom the YesButNoButYes twitter page I learned that it’s “the greatest pop culture blog on the planet. Or maybe not.” I like these kinds of definitions. My interpretation is this: they honestly believe they offer the best in pop culture, but that’s obviously open to interpretation. In order to make my own decision on the matter I first searched Wikipedia for the pop culture concept. With that little research under my belt, what’s my conclusion on the ‘greatness’ of YesButNoButYes? I’d say they aim to be the greatest but my acid test proved this to be merely an aspiration. What I can say with certainty however is that I enjoyed many of the posts of this blog, and to show my support I even joined their facebook fanpage. Two posts I especially enjoyed were A Tight Fit and Sarah Silverman Had a Dream, Too.

From the Basement – Artists in their True Element

fromthebasement From the Basement – Nigel Godrich is a rather mysterious individual who is serious about great performances of talented musicians and not too keen on external diversions. The creator of From the Basement blessed us with this terrific project – 100% pure music performances. But what makes From the Basement so unique is its underlining principle: capturing artists “in a way that lets their talents speak without the interference of presenters, or audiences.”

All videos are HD, and Nigel handles the audio as well, which makes you feel like you’re right there, behind the speakers. Nigel believes that once TV and broadcast pressures are taken out of the performance equation, musicians can do what they do best, only better… In this one of a kind Basement you’ll find Grade-A artists such as Radiohead, Beck and Jose Gonzales, just to name a few (look for the video list on the right). Dive into the majestic project called From the Basement. It’s an experience you’ll find nowhere else online.

Vintage Ad Browser – Commercials have Oldies, Too

vintagead Vintage Ad Browser – I love all things vintage. They’re so cool. The word itself makes me feel like I’m in an old classic movie. Having established this love of mine, it is no surprise that I totally fell for Vintage Ad Browser, which “aims to collect vintage ads from a variety of sources, including comic books, CD-Roms, websites, APIs, your submissions, book, magazine & comic book scans, and more.” As of today, the site lists 123,311 ads in various categories such as Drinks, Toys, Electronics and even Got Milk (isn’t really vintage but includes cool ads from the 90s). Below is a glimpse of the ones I especially enjoyed. Help yourself.

Wedinator – The (not so) Perfect Wedding

wedinator Wedinator – Every bride wants her special day to be just perfect. She wants the dress to wow everyone, the wedding cake to be absolutely stunning and layered, and the first dance to be romantic and unforgettable. Wedinator assumes all of the above, and delivers a funny antithesis to the ‘perfect wedding.’ Meaning, the website offers hilarious photos of good wedding moments gone bad, both intentionally and unintentionally. What do I mean? See this photo, submitted by users anonymously or not, like most of the pics on Wedinator. Want more? Check out the photos below.