After the Storm

After the StormYou never think tragedy will strike your life, until it does. After the Storm is a before and after tale of a tragedy that struck a town.

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Dark Sky: A New Kind of Weather App

Dark SkyWeather is extremely unpredictable, so it’s important to have a reliable weather app. That’s Dark Sky.

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Nasa: Global Climate Change

Global Climate ChangeClimate change is a huge issue in the world today, but it’s hard to know everything or even understand it. NASA’s site dedicated to climate change and global warming helps everyone understand these major problems a little more.

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Climate Name Changes: Start Naming Tropical Storms After Climate Change Deniers

Climate Name Change is an organization with a unique idea as to how to call attention to the policymakersthat consistently deny the effects of climate change on the country's tropical storms and hurricanes. Climate Name Change is an organization with a unique idea as to how to call attention to the policymakers in the U.S. government that consistently deny the effects of climate change on the country’s tropical storms and hurricanes.

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Perfect Storms: Disasters that Changed the World Forever

On rare occasions natural and human forces collide in a spectacular way to provoke disaster and change the world forever - These are history's Perfect Storms.On rare occasions natural and human forces collide in a spectacular way to provoke disaster and change the world forever. These are history’s Perfect Storms.

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Forecastio is a global weather service with a wide range of data sources, which are aggregated together statistically to provide the most accurate forecast possible for a given is a global weather service with a wide range of data sources, which are aggregated together statistically to provide the most accurate forecast possible for a given location.

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350 Earth Art – Houston, We Can See… Art on Earth!

Earth 350 Art – A climate-focused art exhibition that can be seen from space – that’s the underlining concept of the amazing large scale art of Earth 350, initiated by It is “the first-ever global scale group show on the front line of climate change—our polluted cities, endangered forests, melting glaciers, and sinking coastlines.”

Taken via satellite, each of the photos showcased here are awe-inspiring and poignant, and the entire exhibition’s timing intentionally overlapped the UN’s climate meetings in Cancun as a means of voicing the need for a tougher strategy to tackle climate change. I have never seen anything quite like it. See one of my favorite works below, the “Climate Elephant” by Daniel Dancer, New Delhi, India. There are many others right here. Enjoy.

Simple Weather

simpleFor a long time i have been using in order to get my daily forecast. Though, every time i typed in the zip code, i find myself wasting a few too many seconds on the page trying to locate this simple information. Lets not even talk about the amount of advertisement that site has.

With simple weather it’s just that simple. Type in your zip code, and all the info you need is right in front of you. Hope they will expand worldwide soon…

A wise man once said “It’s not simple to be simple”, Enjoy. Simple Weather