Soundtrckr – Music Sounds Better when Shared

Soundtrckr – This music Web 2.0 central aims to be your one stop for all your music needs. Soundtrckr is a free music service that allows you to tune in to more than 10 million (!) songs which you can listen to, mix into a customized playlist and share it all round. Other cool features from this free service include real-time music listening with friends in different locations, and finding gigs of your favorite artists near you.

Sign in and be sure to install the mobile version as well so you could enjoy all the Soundtrckr goodness on the go. There really isn’t another music hub with such an emphasis on social networks. Give it a try!

Clay Yourself – Surprising Avatar Creation

Clay Yourself – This super cute feature by invites users to create their very own clay avatar, and up until recently, users could pitch their hardened creation to the contest – chosen winner will star in’s advertisement. Although the Clay Yourself contest has ended you can still use this tool to see just how you would look in clay form.

To create your own clay avatar, simply hit Get Started and follow the different steps of choosing your facial features, dress and accessories. If you’ve played the Wii game before, it’s just like creating your character there. When you’re done don’t forget to share your new you with friends! This is a lot of fun – look at my clay avatar. What a looker missed out on the contest!

Weekly App: Instagram – The Best Free Photo App for the iPhone

Instagram – Taking pictures with the iPhone is fun in and of itself, but there’s a free app that takes creating and sharing photos to a whole new level: Instagram. Even if you’re not too keen on sharing your photos, Instagram will open new photographic horizons for you.

Once you’ve signed up, take any picture. Next is where the Instagram magic lies; choose from a variety of photo filters to see how your seemingly ordinary photo is immediately upgraded. If you want to instantly share your photos, you can via Facebook and Twitter. See the picture below, Tweeting in the Rain by our team member and AMF Co-founder Roy Pessis, using one of Instagram’s retro-like filters. Looks like a postcard, doesn’t it?

Broadcastr – Create, Share and Cherish Meaningful Personal Stories

Broadcastr – Twitter and Facebook to some extent serve as a central stage of personal expression, no doubt there. But as I feel you would agree, personal expressions of ‘I dig that’ or ‘happy to be online again’ hardly count as a meaningful expression in my book. Don’t get me wrong; I admire social networks and online statuses’ concept, but it seems many users take advantage of these to share rather trivial statements that lack authentic inspiration. Broadcastr is a god-send platform for people all over the world, allowing users to create and share meaningful short stories…

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Weezic – Making Classical Music Fun & Accessible to All

Weezic – This website is a unique take on music practice. Download and print music sheets, choose your own tempo and then play with a whole orchestra (mp3 accompaniments), or even record your interpretation of a known piece and share it on the site.

To learn more about Weezic and how it can be your best online musician friend, see the video below.

What Money Cannot Buy – Celebrating Life’s Priceless Moments

What Money Cannot Buy – At first glance this blog seems trivial; sharing simple, cherished moments of life. But as you start browsing the entries here, you will find a most inspiring collection of “life’s greatest simple pleasures and priceless moments.” Brought to us by the creators of Makes Me Think, this, too, is an online gem.

In our capitalist-driven era it’s refreshing to stumble upon an inspirational blog that offers generous riches for the soul free of charge. After reading this blog I honestly feel life is wonderful! Read the two entries below to see what money simply cannot buy:

Laughing hysterically with your friends, then pausing momentarily, looking at each other, and then laughing hysterically again. July 30, 2010 by Azooz.

Hearing a new song you really like and then downloading it and listening to it over and over and over. August 15, 2010 by dee.

To submit your very own priceless life moment, click the Submit button on the top of the page.

Earbits – Listen to Music, Discover New Artists and Share Your Faves

Earbits – This super cool website offers an innovative way to consume music freely online, and discover new artists along the way. What starts out as a simple-looking page with 13 music genres to choose from (there’s also a ‘shuffle all’ option) soon turns into a most rewarding experience that not only looks amazing, but also provides high quality music sounds.

To give you the perfect example of what Earbits is about, see the image below, the listening page for Blues. The most eye-grabbing part here is the image of the artist himself (in this case Boo Boo Davis). The name of the artist will show on the bottom left side of the page, and clicking “view more” will pull you down to an informative bio and discography section of the artist you’re listening to.

In addition, Earbits have worked hard to make sure the social aspect of this service is as best as it can be; you can give each song a thumbs up or down, and when connected to the site via Facebook you can share whole songs with your friends, even tweet the track you’re listening to! Now that’s socially rewarding.

Art Finder – Turning the Art World From Aloof to Social

Art Finder – The social Web has penetrated an array of fields thus far; business, food, entertainment, music and education, just to name a few. But the realm of art remained rather distant until now, and Art Finder is here to make art discovery, enjoyment and sharing easier then ever.

You can start your art discovery by picking your ‘best looking’ paintings out of two series of four, based upon which Art Finder will create a guided art tour for you with recommendations suited to your taste. Art Finder is a god send since it not only brings top quality art to the masses, but also provides exposure to artists and their works from all over the world. If you’re new to art, start with Art Finder’s style guide or, start exploring the various featured artists on the site. Whatever you find can then be shared with your friends via Facebook and Twitter.

For more art resources online visit our Education page and explore the Art Faveline.

Socialeyes – Free Video Chat and Messaging Service

Socialeyes – This unique free social tool is essentially “a social video service that allows you to call your friends and meet new people.” Socialeyes is similar to the Video Chat Rounds Facebook app which we reviewed a couple of months ago, only that Socialeyes is a bit more flexible in terms of features. One obvious difference is that Socialeyes allows for multiple video messaging rather than limiting you to one-on-one conversations.

Another cool thing about Socialeyes is that firends using this service can send video messages to each other when not connected in real-time. It’s the answering machine of the digital age, packed with a whole series of social perks – all for free! Need I say more? Connect with Facebook and invite all your friends to join.

Top10 – Listing the Top 10 of Practically Anything

Top10 – Search from the hundreds if not thousands of Top10 lists available on this cute site, ranking just about anything you can think of. There are conventional, what-you-would-expect lists such as Top 10 Language Guides, but also surprising entries, such as Top 10 Austin Powers Moments, and this is just the tip of the Top10 iceberg.

Although browsing Top 10 lists other have created is entertaining -quite funny at times-there’s nothing like creating your own and mixing others’ lists! Don’t be shy now, do it now and add it to Top10’s list.

Long Bets – Intelligent and Thought-Provoking Mind Wars

Long Bets – On a mission to “improve long–term thinking,” The Long Now Foundations‘ Long Bets is “a public arena for enjoyably competitive predictions, of interest to society, with philanthropic money at stake.” Long Bets is all about taking responsibility and standing behind your own truth.

How does it work? First you must distinguish between ‘predictions’ and ‘bets.’ Making a prediction means stating a situation that would take place at least two years from now, followed by a supporting argument. You must include your name right next to it. This will be set in stone, meaning once you’ve stated your prediction or bet, you won’t be able to edit it at a later time. See a few examples below.

Betting (or the Long Bet) is counter-arguing an existing Prediction. Specifically, when a member challenges a predictor to a wager over their Prediction. It’s kind of like presenting a scientific theory to the academic community, and opposing individuals then attempt to refute it – only Long Bets concerns social and scientific predictions and bets.

Long Bets’ mind competition is thought-provoking, creative and stirs a much needed conversation between participants online. Any one can join in, but you will have to register first to do so. A big thumbs up for this intelligent website.

PostPost – Your Own Facebook Newspaper

PostPost – Stay on top your network of Facebook friends by exploring the news feeds through a unique, newspaper-like medium, PostPost. Instead of going to facebook each time and scrolling down to see what your friends have posted, see the entire collection of real-time posts in a much more conformable way to digest all of that info.

This is what my personal Facebook newspaper looks like, using PostPost’s interface. As you can see, you can interact with, comment on and share each post.

I must say, it was a refreshing experience to be part of Facebook without actually going to the Facebook site. I honestly hope PostPost will catch on, but I doubt the vast majority of Facebook users would use an external site to keep track with Facebook posts, especially those created within their network of friends. It certainly is a nice try though. To learn more about PostPost, here’s an intro video.