TravelStormer – Easy Group Travel Planner Everyone will Agree On

TravelStormer – Group travel is fun and exciting, except for those annoying decision making moments when the group becomes frustratingly divided. TravelStormer is a great tool for planning group trips without the nuisance of coalition-opposition scenarios.

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PhotoCollect – Different Photos from Different Cameras? Have Them All in One Place

PhotoCollect – The concept if this great photo collecting and sharing service is amazing: “Have you ever been on a trip with some friends and you want to gather everyone’s photos afterwards? Or been to a party and someone else got those awesome photos?” PhotoCollect lets you have all of those photos -whether taken by you or someone else at the same event- uploaded to one place where everyone can go to see them.

PhotoCollect currently offers its collecting services for free (up to three albums at a time, for personal use only), and if you wish to use the company’s photo upload and storage features there’s a price plan for you to check out (annual fee of $35 for premium).

Olioboard – Create and Share Beautiful & Inspiring Moodboards

Olioboard – Since I had a hard time putting into words what Olioboard is about, here’s the site’s own description: “Olioboard is an easy and intuitive application for creating digital mood boards. It is also a community of interior designers and creative thinkers coming together to share inspiration and offer feedback.” Even if you’re not a designer but have an eye for aesthetics and a great looking decor, collect you favorite items, color swatches, fabric samples and other virtual items, and use them to create your own moodboard.

Each post is a moodboard someone has shared, and you can get lots of design ideas from each by scrolling down to the ‘get this look’ section. Here’s an example (click the image to get all the details).

If you’re a professional in the interior design field, make the most out of Olioboard. Get in touch with the community, take part in contests and even shop for your clients. What a wonderful source of vibrant and colorful inspirations for the home!

VHX – The New, Easier and Way Better Tool to Watch and Share Videos

VHX – How do you share cool videos with friends? Perhaps you simply share the YouTube or Vimeo link via email or Facebook, like most people. Well, VHX seeks to make the way we consume and share videos online better, easier and way cooler. As they explain, “VHX is the way you’re supposed to watch and share videos with friends. We’ve combined the best parts of TV with the best of the web.”

VHX offers several unique perks including the option to bookmark videos from anywhere on the Web, and a cool Chrome extension that tracks YouTube and Vimeo videos you watch anywhere on the web and saves them into your private history. In short, VHX is a note-worthy video player (no pun intended) in the online video field you ought to explore for better video consumption and sharing with friends.

Sparked – Making Online Volunteering Fit the Busiest of Schedules

Sparked – Have you ever thought about volunteering but were forced to give it up due to a super busy schedule? Sparked is the perfect micro-volunteering spot for people just like you who want to help out but are simply too busy during the week to do so.

Sparked is the “world’s first microvolunteering network,” offering easy and meaningful online help options to busy moms, dads and young professionals who want to help make a change. Whatever you’re good at, whether it’s graphic design, marketing, web development, copy-writing or brainstorming, Sparked will match you with challenges non-profit organizations need assistance with.

Once you’ve stated your areas of expertise, Sparked will show you a list of open challenges for you to pitch in and help out.

Want to see Sparked in action? Check out the page for the challenge Brainstorm Fun Ideas Re: Govt. Failure to Commit on Climate. At All My Faves we fell in love with this amazing website that is not only beautifully built, but it’s one that also gets the (busy) community engaged.

Weekly App: SoundTracking – Geo-Tagged, Music Based Social Network

SoundTracking – Although currently available for iOS 4 devices only, this music app tries to offer an all-in-one bundle based on the music soundtrack of your daily life -the tunes that add a splash of color to your routine. SoundTracking comes with a built-in music ID feature, which is the standalone product of many music apps out there (such as Shazam and SoundHound). But SoundTracking doesn’t stop there. The app includes geo-tagging music snippets and sharing these with your friends along with a photo of the track’s artist or album.

Want more? SoundTracking lets you check in to Foursquare when you post a soundtrack with a location, and you in turn can follow friends’ location based on their tagged songs and check ins. SoundTracking is ideal for the iPhone users who love sharing in general, and sharing what they’re doing and what they’re listening to in particular. This app is free which is, considering all the perks it offers, surprising to say the least. In other words, go ahead and download this wicked app ASAP while it’s free.

BranchOut – Use Your Facebook Friends to Score New Jobs

BranchOut – Although many are amazed Facebook hasn’t made a move to buy LinkedIn yet, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t leverage your network of friends on the world’s No. 1 social network right now to your own career’s advantage. BranchOut has put its foot in the Facebook-jobs door and offers easy job search using nothing more than your Facebook account.

Once you sign in via Facebook connect, grant the application access to your account and create your job seeker’s profile. BranchOut offers easy LinkedIn profile import which is a huge perk. Get relevant job offers, see your connections, learn what’s new in your professional network (instant updates), and even endorse your friends. BranchOut is a great idea that is well-designed and executed. Give it a try if you’re thinking about making a career change using more than just job listings and LinkedIn.

OpenStudy – Find an Online Tutor or Serve as One to Other Students

OpenStudy – I wish I had this community available to me back when I was a student. OpenStudy is a well-intentioned network of students seeking live online help from other students. Alternatively, OpenStudy is also a place where experienced students can offer their knowledge to novice peers struggling with a certain study topic.

As you can see from the screenshot above, you can find help in math, finance, physics, biology, writing & English, comp. sci and history. If you’re looking for help, simply select the topic in question and type in your question in the twitter feed-like list on the left. Someone from the OpenStudy community will reply soon. If you know the answer to someone else’s inquiry, go ahead and submit your explanation. See the example below for OpenStudy’s Math page.

OpenStudy is a terrific study tool that involves the online community in a positive and fruitful way. I relish in witnessing Education take a digital and innovative turn by such collaborations online.

Flvrd – Sharing Online Points of Interest by Showing Them

Flvrd – This Photo-based social community is the spot where “flavors meet visuals.” As opposed to the photo sharing app Trover, the Weekly App we featured last week, Flvrd (pronounced “flavored”) is about sharing photos of online points of interest, not locations.

The basic idea behind Flvrd is to introduce users to interesting and entertaining videos, photos, posts and other online memes while inviting them to share their own online flavors with the rest of the Flvrd community. Here’s one Flvrd entry I wanted to share: Anti-Theft Lunch Bags by Andy91 via Tumblr. It’s genius!

Listgeeks – Social Platform Surrounding Top Lists

Listgeeks – List sites online are anything but a novelty, and many sites have taken a shot at being THE best list site out there. Listgeeks is yet another list spot that has threw in the social factor into the mix, making it super easy to create, share and follow lists online.

As for the types of lists you will see on Listgeeks, that ranges from the trivial ‘best actors’ and such to favorite movie soundtracks, and many others in-between. To create your own lists and start following other users, sign up and create your profile. Here’s a particular list I found entertaining and felt like sharing: Trends that Freak Me Out (spoiler: clogs, little kids on Facebook/Twitter and other hilarious things you will agree with).

Weekly App: Trover – Geo-tagged Photos Tell Friends What’s Hot and Where

Trover – Our app pick for this week appeals to the sharing enthusiasts out there. Trover is “a social network that lets you share discoveries with friends and fellow explorers in a fun, visual way – all based on your location.” Although some users don’t appreciate the Trover-Facebook connection (you must grant Trover access to retrieve your Facebook account info in order to enjoy the app), it’s a fun interactive social tool to enjoy wherever you are, based on photo geotagging.

Want to share the cool bar you’re at with the world? Take a pic, share it with the Trover community and users will immediately know where the bar is located. Share whatever you’re doing at any given place, or find what other points of interest and activities Trover users have shared. Go ahead and give this app a try and don’t forget; sharing is caring.

NoiseTrade – Free Exposure for Artists. Free Music Downloads for Fans. Sweet!

NoiseTrade – What a sweet music site that offers a helping hand to both artists and music fans! NoiseTrade offers artists a sexy and practical web spot for them to showcase their music, and fans can listen to the music and even download entire albums for free! The sound quality is amazing, which is an added bonus and a valuable part of the NoiseTrade bundle.

Artists are welcome to sign up and set up their page, even create their own widget which can be added to any online venue they may have. Fans don’t sign up -they simply start enjoying the great music on NoiseTrade instantly. Here’s the page of The Vespers, one of the most downloaded artists here on NoiseTrade. Listen to them and you’ll see why!