Broadcastr – Create, Share and Cherish Meaningful Personal Stories

Broadcastr – Twitter and Facebook to some extent serve as a central stage of personal expression, no doubt there. But as I feel you would agree, personal expressions of ‘I dig that’ or ‘happy to be online again’ hardly count as a meaningful expression in my book. Don’t get me wrong; I admire social networks and online statuses’ concept, but it seems many users take advantage of these to share rather trivial statements that lack authentic inspiration. Broadcastr is a god-send platform for people all over the world, allowing users to create and share meaningful short stories…

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Dorkly – Making fun of Videogames and Geeky Entertainment

Dorkly – Videogame comedy. Yes, there is such a thing and it’s on fire right here, at If you’re not fluent in Playstation, XBox and Nintendo, this site is not for you. I believe the classic target audience of Dorkly is young males (aged 15-35). Either way, here are a couple of funny posts I thought I’d share – click the image to read them in full.

They Draw & Cook – Illustrated Recipe Collection with Lots of Pizazz

They Draw & Cook – Brother and sister Nate and Salli are a wonderful talented team of design and illustration. What started out as an effort to recreate a tasty dish they had during a vacation soon sprung into Nate and Salli’s amazingly creative illustrated recipe blog, They Draw & Cook. Text based recipes are fine if you are already familiar with the dish. If you’re a first timer however, the text-only list of ingredients and how-to is downright boring and lacks that pizazz I’m often relying on to get me into the cooking groove.

They Draw & Cook is all about putting lots of color and good vibes into cooking, as the blog’s recipe collection offers illustrated recipes that take the cooking experience to a whole new level. Here are a few examples (click the image to see the full recipe in larger size):

Can’t get enough? Find another recipe. Is one of your kids an avid kitchen helper? Try out the Kids Draw & Cook. To submit your own recipe and artowrk, click here.

Memolane – Creating an Audio-Visual Timeline of Your Life

Memolane – This most inspiring and exciting service offers an interactive, ongoing audio-visual timeline of your life, with the option of adding your friends as collaborators. Create your own Memolane made up of photos, music, video, tweets, status updates, blogs, and many other content tools and you will be pleasantly surprised at how rich your seemingly ordinary life really is.

Click the image below to see what a Memolane timeline looks like, this one -rather, only a fraction of it- by Jeff Hester.

To learn more about Memolane and how it works, see this video:

Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer – Beat the Machine

Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer – This exciting feature by NY Times’ Science section online offers a unique Man vs. Machine spin that’s fun and engaging. Play Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer, but be sure to do it at least five times in a row. As you play along the computer calculates the probabilities of your decision making. Who will prevail? Give it a try.

Socialeyes – Free Video Chat and Messaging Service

Socialeyes – This unique free social tool is essentially “a social video service that allows you to call your friends and meet new people.” Socialeyes is similar to the Video Chat Rounds Facebook app which we reviewed a couple of months ago, only that Socialeyes is a bit more flexible in terms of features. One obvious difference is that Socialeyes allows for multiple video messaging rather than limiting you to one-on-one conversations.

Another cool thing about Socialeyes is that firends using this service can send video messages to each other when not connected in real-time. It’s the answering machine of the digital age, packed with a whole series of social perks – all for free! Need I say more? Connect with Facebook and invite all your friends to join.

Top10 – Listing the Top 10 of Practically Anything

Top10 – Search from the hundreds if not thousands of Top10 lists available on this cute site, ranking just about anything you can think of. There are conventional, what-you-would-expect lists such as Top 10 Language Guides, but also surprising entries, such as Top 10 Austin Powers Moments, and this is just the tip of the Top10 iceberg.

Although browsing Top 10 lists other have created is entertaining -quite funny at times-there’s nothing like creating your own and mixing others’ lists! Don’t be shy now, do it now and add it to Top10’s list.

Famous Objects From Classic Movies – Hannibal’s Mask, Anyone?

Famous Objects From Classic Movies – This film trivia/guessing game is a dangerous time waster – it’ll waste too much of it! You need to guess which movie is the object shown from.

There will be some dead giveaway objects (not telling), but also more challenging things like the two pics below. Think you are up to it? Play!

PostPost – Your Own Facebook Newspaper

PostPost – Stay on top your network of Facebook friends by exploring the news feeds through a unique, newspaper-like medium, PostPost. Instead of going to facebook each time and scrolling down to see what your friends have posted, see the entire collection of real-time posts in a much more conformable way to digest all of that info.

This is what my personal Facebook newspaper looks like, using PostPost’s interface. As you can see, you can interact with, comment on and share each post.

I must say, it was a refreshing experience to be part of Facebook without actually going to the Facebook site. I honestly hope PostPost will catch on, but I doubt the vast majority of Facebook users would use an external site to keep track with Facebook posts, especially those created within their network of friends. It certainly is a nice try though. To learn more about PostPost, here’s an intro video. – Laughing is Funny Everywhere – Embark on a noisy, exciting and above all, funny experience of mixing a variety of human laughs. This French site takes laughter and smiles to the extreme by matching keyboard buttons with laughs. Try it out for yourself. My personal favorite? Press B once all the faces load on the page.

LivingSocial – New Site Gives Groupon a Run For Its Money

LivingSocial – Groupon is probably one of the most talked about websites this year, and for a good reason. The group deals niche is growing at an exponential rate, and keeps drawing more and more participants as time goes by. LivingSocial is another promising Groupon-like site that aims to offer rewarding deals in American, Canadian, even Australian cities, while boosting local businesses.

Sign up by providing your email address and picking your city, and get a daily offer of something cool to do in your city. What I like about LivingSocial is their Escapes feature, which offers affordable weekend getaways and short vacations across the US and Canada. I’m already subscribed. What are you waiting for?

BookLending – Matching eBooks Borrowers & Lenders

BookLending – Love  your Kindle? I bet you love reading then. If you do, BookLending is for you. Explore the ebook borrowing and lending service at BookLending (by Amazon), which matches those willing to lend purchased titles to those looking for fresh reads and vice versa.

Sign up to BookLending, and once you get our own profile page you can review, make and offer loans from there. To lend a book, click on the big green button (see above) and the intuitive BookLending system will direct you how to proceed. By the way, you don’t necessarily have to own a Kindle to receive a book loan. You can use this service with your PC, Mac, iPhone, Blackberry and other devices as well. For more info on how BookLending works and how to use it, go to the FAQ page.