2050: Google takes over the world

Well probably it may turn out different, but this video does make you think about where the world is headed. Enjoy…

Cooking will never be the same again!

rouxbeThis week on our Weekly Faves you may have noticed a site called Rouxbe, a startup from Vancouver, Canada that produces amazing instructional cooking videos.

Rouxbe has amassed a library of over 80 professionally produced instructional cooking videos. The videos are presented as multi-part, indexed flash movies in an attractive video player.

Recipes on Rouxbe also come in text form (which can be printed) and users are allowed to rate and comment on recipes.

At the first glance you would notice the high quality and production level of the videos. This site is a must for all you food lovers. So go ahead, surprise your loved ones with a gourmet dinner.


Rouxbe delivers a revolutionary online instructional cooking experience that walks you step-by-step through each delicious recipe. It’s like having a private cooking school in your home, with a professional chef at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

Weekly Video Faves #3

allmyvids Been a while since the last “weekly” vids. From now on a new weekly video every Thursday.


The Facts Of Life


Game Over: Super Mario




Building Stonehenge – This Man Can Move Anything


RSS readers: Currently there is a problem with the small embedded youtube video, will be fixed shortly. You can always see the video by opening the post.



Microsoft Surface Computer

surface Microsoft has just unveiled a new technology called Microsoft Surface. A Surface computer is able to recognize physical objects from a paintbrush to a cell phone and allows hands-on, direct control of content such as photos, music and maps. Surface turns an ordinary tabletop into a dynamic surface that provides interaction with all forms of digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects.

But don’t let me spoil all the fun, there is a great Popular Mechanics video embedded below. Have a look, i think you’ll like it. As well as a couple of great promotional videos on Microsoft Surface website.

Simple Weather

simpleFor a long time i have been using weather.com in order to get my daily forecast. Though, every time i typed in the zip code, i find myself wasting a few too many seconds on the page trying to locate this simple information. Lets not even talk about the amount of advertisement that site has.

With simple weather it’s just that simple. Type in your zip code, and all the info you need is right in front of you. Hope they will expand worldwide soon…

A wise man once said “It’s not simple to be simple”, Enjoy. Simple Weather

Free Joost Invites

joostlogoIf you are a Web 2.0 enthusiast you, probably, have already heard of Joost. The Web 2.0 version of your home television.

For those of you that don’t know what joost is, here is a quick explanation.

Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping.

You get great internet features too, such as search, chat and instant messaging, built right into the program – so you find shows quickly and talk to your friends while you watch. And with no schedules to worry about, you can watch whatever you want, whenever you like – as often as you want. Joost is completely free, and works with most modern PCs and Intel Mac-based computers with a broadband connection.

joost1 joost2

Sounds good? So how can you get in with the fun. Currently joost is in beta invitation only. But lucky you, I have some invites to give away for free.

Just leave a comment to this message, and the invite will be on it’s way.

How can you thank? Your thank could be by spreading the word about the invites so more people can be reached and they can also receive the invitation. An easy way to spread the word is by Stumble (Clicking “I like it!“) on this post or digging this post up the digg ladder.


Joost Commercial

Please, do not forget to provide your valid e-mail address in the comment form. This way I will still be able to see it and your privacy will be protected.

540 invites have been sent till today, and there are enough invites for everyone to enjoy. Don’t be skeptical, leave a message and in a few hours the invite will be in your mail.

Weekly Video Faves #2

allmyvidsAfter flying half way around the world (SMF-TLV), it’s my pleasure to bring you this weeks video faves. Enjoy.


The Chicago Day


Billy’s Balls


Wind powered vehicle art


Huge smoke ring generator




All the music you can listen – SeeqPod

seeqpod Although SeeqPod has been listed on our web radio category ever since AllMyFaves was launched. We found it more then appropriate to list it as one of our Weekly Faves. As well as adding a blog post about this amazing service.

SeeqPod is a great music service that lets you search for any song and stream it in a fair quality. If you sign up to the site you can save any song you find to a playlist and share it with your friends or embed it to your website (As you can see at the bottom of this post).

I love the fact that i don’t have to download a song, and that my playlists are accessible from any place in the world. If you love music you should give SeeqPod a try, you won’t regret it. SeeqPod


Here is my recently discovered songs playlist:

Seeqpod Music

Number one Jay Leno fan

glozellThis is a story about a lovely young woman I met a couple of days ago in Los Angeles.

Her name is GloZell and she is undoubtedly Jay Leno’s number one fan. Every day she gets up early in order to be in line at the NBC Burbank Studios. As of this date, she has been to 153 Jay Leno shows.

Waiting in line could be quite excruciating but GloZell truly makes the time pass by quickly, with interesting stories about Jay, celebs, tourists and lots more. Though not everyone could make it to NBC Studios, GloZell have made it easy for everyone to read her words of wisdom on her blog.

The blog is one of the most entertaining blogs I have ever read. On her blog she documents the inside and outside of the show, plus some interesting stories from her life. Here is a taste from today’s post.

It’s always great when “Ellen” is shooting next door, because I get to play count the lesbian couples as they walk pass me. They are so nice and friendly, and they stop and talk. I think I have watched the show “The L Word” a little too much. I like Skittles but I don’t want to taste the rainbow.

If you’re looking for a personal blog to read, this one should be taken into consideration. Have a look, and leave a comment, she loves it when people leave comments.
GloZell Loves Jay Leno

Weekly Video Faves #1

allmyvidsHere is the first batch of our hand picked weekly video faves, Have Fun…


Tank Toys


The Smartest Dog in the world


Real Super Mario


Urban Sprinting


Grafitti Machine

Justin TV – Give me my 15 minutes

justintvReality TV just got much more boring. But didn’t you always want to see a real “Ed TV” right at your finger tips. This fact makes Justin TV so addictive and its growing popularity confirms the fact that there is a peeping tom in each and everyone of us.

Although this may sound like another 24/7 project such as JenniCam or DotComGuy, the twist this time is that Justin is completely mobile. Streaming continuous live video and audio of what Justin Kan is seeing and hearing. Armed with a head-cam, batteries and 4 EVDO cards which allow him to be totally mobile.

Don’t know for how long Justin TV will last but for now it is worth my few minutes of interest every once in awhile.

Enjoy – Justin TV


All My Faves goes Blogging!

allmyfaves logoSince AllMyFaves was launched two months ago, we have been receiving great reviews and comments about the concept, the simplicity, the diverse categories and overall the fact that one can find almost everything needed in just one place.

As the weeks went by and Weekly Faves got more and more popular, we decided to take Weekly Faves one step forward. People love Weekly Faves, we love people, why not give the people more Weekly Faves! What is a better way to do that if not by opening a blog! Sharing with you our casual ramblings about the best (or as we call it “Creme de La Creme“) of the Internet.

Any newbie can understand that the Internet is pretty much overwhelming. So much information and so little time to spare. How can one enjoy the Internet to its fullest? Weekly Faves is definitely a great way to find new and interesting websites.

At AllMyFaves, we feel obligated to bringing you the most interesting and refreshing information you can find on the Internet. We hope you enjoy your stay. Make sure to subscribe to the RSS Feed on your way out.