Woulda Coulda Shoulda – Arthur Miller in (Written) Manifest

Woulda Coulda Shoulda – About six years ago, a newly divorcée and single mom, who also happened to be a superb writer, decided to write a blog as a way to cope with it all. Today, Woulda Coulda Shoulda is Mir’s “way through it, laughing at myself as much as possible, trying to make sure that I end up with only the right regrets.”

Mir’s candid and engaging blog is all about great reads. I encourage you to read at the very least five different posts -you’ll thank me later.  As an example, read Kettle, you’re so difficult, with which the dog owners among you will certainly happily identify.

Since I developed a particular admiration to Mir and her way of dealing with life’s curve balls, I’d like to point out she’s a full time freelancer. If you need the services of a seasoned writer, check out Mir’s professional blog.

Urlesque – Web Conversations, Trends and Memes

Urlesque – Explore the hottest trends, memes and viral videos currently circulating the Web, all on Urlesque. Browse the site’s various categories; Video, Photo, New Trends, Exclusives, Animals, Humor, Weird, Lists, and The One.

To dive right into the great content on Urlesque, read the article (video included) on Flying Baby Turtles, and see the photo below titled Last Shot – Oh Hai! Enjoy.

Lotie – Creative Illustration at Its Very Best

Lotie – Probably one of the best and most talented illustrators on Earth, Lotie lives in and works from Paris. Her amazing works scored top notch campaigns such as Smart (the mini car), Absolut Vodka, Duplo, Ferrero (the chocolate), and many others. In fact, even France’s First Lady, Carla Bruni, paid for Lotie’s talent to promote herself.

So what would you imagine the website of a globally renowned illustrator to look like? Nothing short of amazing, and Lotie.com is exactly that. This is one of the most beautiful websites you’ll see for a while. Help yourself and explore the works of the virtuoso Lotie.

From Loti’s illustration for Flavor Magazine, No. 5 Chanel

Grow Valley – Make Something Out of Nothing

Grow Valley – You have seven different category panels to work with; create a vibrant city by wisely selecting the clicking order of those panels. Your objective is to achieve the maximum level of all seven panels. It’s difficult but totally rewarding.

For more addicting, fun games and online gaming updates, be sure to visit our I♥GAMES page so you won’t miss out on anything!

Dragontape – Video Playlist Redux

Dragontape – When it comes to video playlists, YouTube has always been my first choice. But that’s until they’ve decided to change their user interface yet again (about a month ago), and then all hell broke loose. Sure, it looks nice, but I still haven’t figured out how to set a continuous play mode for my playlist -they had it before but decided to take it out this time around- and this is not what I’d expect of YouTube.

Luckily there’s Dragontape, a swanky new video playlist maker/player on the scene, offering great service plus added stuff YouTube is currently lacking. Simply type in your artist name, song or other keyword into the site’s search box, find the video you’d like to add to the list and drag it to the desired location along the playlist row (see screen shot). Needless to say, everything here is dragabble, you can re-order the videos on the playlist, drag the entire playlist back and forth to rewind or forward the videos and loads more.

Dragontape has superseded YouTube in my video playlist book, and from this day forward, this is the service I’ll be using to enjoy online music videos. Highly recommended.

Climate Culture – Minimizing Our Environmental Footprint

Climate Culture – Everybody’s talking about the pressing need to change the way we live today to help the environment and reduce our impact on the planet. That’s obvious. But now for the first time we have an actual fun tool that will help us “make smarter choices that reduce your impact on climate change and save some cash.” That’s right. Climate Culture offers an amazing, creative and bottom line saver you should start making use of a.s.a.p.

To make our footprint’s impact more comprehensible and proportioned, Climate Culture assigns you an island that reflects your current effect on the environment; you’ll see there coal and gas power plants, transit forms, work area, etc. As you continue to commit to reducing your impact via Reduction Center (see screen shot below), you will earn more points, save cash and see your island -your life- become greener and more sustainable. Climate Culture offers an innovative, fun and most importantly, effective community tool to help each and every one of us improve both our life and the environment. Kudos, Climate Culture!

Ranker – Top Lists of Anything You Can Imagine

Ranker – Top 10 lists of virtually any possible category humanly imaginable, Ranker offers community-based lists of everything (that’s why they call it ‘rank the universe’) from facts, film, travel, universities and beers to auto models, entertainment, artwork and many, many others.

Using Ranker is  fun and easy, but simply sitting back and exploring the top 10 lists other users have created is also entertaining. Simply browse the offered categories on the left hand-side of the homepage, see the recommended Site We Love section, or create a list of your own. I wanted to share with you an interesting list of Companies With The Worst Customer Service.

Expatistan – Finally, A Living Costs Comparison Tool

Expatistan – Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to compare the living cost of a different city with that of your current location before saying ‘yes’ to that relocation offer? Perhaps you’re just curious to know where’s cheaper to live; London or Sydney? Well, Thanks to Expatistan, now you can. It’s super easy and fast. Simply type in the two city locations (only major cities at this point), and hit Go.

I compared the living costs between Houston, TX and Sydney, Australia. Can you guess where it’s less expensive to live? See the screen shot below for the answer…

Photovisi – Photo Collage Made Easy and Pretty

Photovisi – Create your customized photo collage with this exciting free service by Photovisi. Choose a template, background color and added shapes, and upload photos (these can be from your PC, webcam, mobile device, etc.). Next, you can play with the photos’ position on your canvas and arrange them as you wish. This is a great deal of fun and the best part about it is that Photovisi also offers free download and sharing of your collage, and for a small fee you can also order prints and mugs of your photo creation.

Here’s my personal collage made up of a couple of photos of my cat, my summer feet and a winter day’s rainbow.

MOCpages – LEGO Takes Over

MOCpages – In 2003 the avid LEGO fan Sean Kenney decided to create a community site for LEGO fans all over the world, celebrating the classic children’s toy brand. The concept is simple; fans create unique objects and artwork using nothing but LEGOs, and they post their creations on the site. Simplicity and creativity are always a good combination. I invite you to explore the site and the vast collection of artwork made by fans worldwide. By the way, just in case you wondered what the MOC stands for, it’s My Own Creation. See a couple of amazing original creations below.

By SoftaRae


Artician – Free Amazing Portfolios for Creative Professionals

Artician – This truly is a superb free service for creative professionals. Offering to help you build your portfolio from scratch, Artician does it all with style and lets you customize your portfolio as much as you like thanks to the many presentation options available, including widgets, and loads more. For the most part, impressive online portfolio services cost $$, yet Artician offers its basic service plan for free (which is quite generous in terms of what you get for it), and there’s also the Artician Pro if you’re interested.

Either way I advise you to first take the Tour and explore the portfolio opportunities Artician has to offer. See the digital art work ‘Freedom’ below by Rgquarkup.

SinFest – Webcomics, Center Stage

SinFest – Online since March 2000 (!), SinFest is one of the best webcomics resources you will find. What’s the difference between regular comics and webcomics, you might ask? Well, it’s pretty straightforward; comics = printed books, webcomics = online pages. All of the SinFest webcomics were created by the most talented Tatsuya Ishida, a person with what seems like an infinite amount of creativity and charm. They also all have to do with the devil, sins, the Cross and religion; if these issues and/or making fun of them is offensive to you, I suggest you skip SinFest.

Explore the site’s archive of many many webcomics of years past, or start by clicking on the two here below and follow your own path once you’re inside SinFest.