Even though I do appreciate the videos they chose, I disagree with one of their picks (you should know YouTube doesn’t disclose of the manner by which videos are selected). For the best stop-motion video, YouTube picked Eye Popping Post Its, which is great – no disagreements there. However, I do think Her Morning Elegance is much better, and it’s not on the list. I discovered an interesting fact about this: while the Post-It stop-motion video received a little over 3,000,000 views, Her Morning Elegance received three times more exposure, with over 9,000,000 views.
This doesn’t make sense – how come the latter isn’t listed? For the record, there are still ten more videos that will be added to the list by the end of the month, so maybe I am just jumping to conclusions and ranting for no reason. I certainly hope I’ll be disproved because if I’m right, something is rotten in the state of YouTube. At any rate, I’m positive you’ll appreciate the two videos below.