Posted on Monday, November 9th, 2009 by Shachar Pessis
Spreeder – There are no advantages to eating faster, one should slow down and take the time to properly chew and consequently, digest the food. However, speed in other activities can be a blessing. Reading faster for example can seriously improve your life – just think about the amount of information you read on a daily basis. According to an article written by David Aylwin, “People now spend an average of 6 hours a day reading at work – 6 years ago it was about 4.” That’s quite a bit, and it doesn’t take into account magazines, newspapers and books we consume before or after working hours.
If you are interested in reading faster, Spreeder is an excellent starting point. What is it exactly? “Spreeder is an online speed reading utility to help train you to read faster. It does this by flashing words at a rapid rate.” I suggest you begin with the tutorial and then take it out for a test run. My personal recommendation would be using a song’s text, because that way you will not only learn to read faster, but you will achieve higher retention of the song’s meaning and ideas. I tried this service with Jay-Z’s new song, Empire State of Mind. Click here for the lyrics. Since I love this song so much, I provided the video below for your enjoyment.