Posted on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 by Toby Sanders
SoloLearn is the largest mobile community to learn coding, it’s social learning.
SoloLearn is an on online community where users can learn to code for free. SoloLearn offers different courses that users can take to learn how to code or brush up on their skills. The site provides over 700 lessons, over 500 videos and over 2,000 quizzes that will turn anyone into a coding expert. Each course offered has a specific objective, so nobody has to sit through a long list of courses just to get to a lesson they want to learn.
SoloLearn courses come in 5 categories: web design, programming, databases, business, and other. There are also discussion boards for each course, so members can work with each other and pass along tips and tricks for coding. The videos and fun practice sessions hold your attention and allow you to stay focused for guaranteed results. Exercises and quizzes reinforce the knowledge users learn during the lessons. They can also be accessed anywhere and everywhere on any device. There are a few aspects that makes learning coding on SoloLearn easy and fun. Coders create a profile, they can unlock each level, earn points and achievements and challenge themselves by competing with others who are learning all over the world. SoloLearn is the site to learn how to code on, and it’s fun!