Record Tripping – Game Controllers: Vinyl Scratches

Posted on Monday, March 1st, 2010 by

recordtripping Record Tripping – Logic and thinking games are said to help enhance brain activity, analytical skills and memory. The All My Faves Games page offers a variety of such games if you’re interested. Record Tripping seeks to perfect users’ ‘thinking’ skills by offering an innovative logic game where the main problem solving tool is vinyl scratching. Come again? That’s right. Use the mouse scroll button to maneuver through the different stages of the game and see what happens.

Record Tripping is captivating, beautifully designed, and needless to say, executed meticulously. While you’re playing, you’ll enjoy some great music by the Gorillaz, Beck and other top notch artists. You simply must play this game, regardless of your age. This is for everyone.

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