Newsbot: Find Related Articles

Newsbot is the fastest way to get related articles and stay up-to-date on the news that matters to you.

5 Article Recommendations

One of the worst aspects of online journalism is that the same articles are often repeated by different media outlets. If one company is covering a certain news story, another company is probably covering it in an extremely similar way. A great thing about online journalism, however, is that you can easily find tons of varying opinions and insights on a particular topic by searching around the web. Newsbot is a Google Chrome extension that does that searching for you. Once you’ve installed the extension in your browser, you can find related articles with a simple keystroke (Command + Shift + 5 on a Mac).

Instant Recommendations

Newsbot is most useful when you’re reading an interesting article online and you want to delve further into that topic. Simply hit the aforementioned keystroke (or click on the Newbot icon on your Google Chrome browser), and the extension almost immediately returns five related articles. The extension pulls from a variety of trusted sources, giving you several worthwhile options. It doesn’t always deliver something you’d want to read next, but it is fairly smart at getting you content it suspects you’d be interested in. The extension also comes with a ton of other cool features, such as e-mail alerts when articles you might like are published, the ability to highlight specific text rather than a full article, or an RSS feed to integrate with apps you already use. You might not use the extension every day, but it’s definitely useful to have installed in your Chrome browser.

Will Hagle:

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