Land Rover: Do You Have The Adventure Gene?

Find out whether or not you have the adventure gene in this interactive test from Land Rover.

One In Four People Have It…

The Adventure Gene Test is an interactive experience created by automobile company Land Rover. You experience the site from the perspective of a guy on an expedition with a group of friends. The first test is deciding which way you should choose in order to get off of a cliff top. One option is walking down, another is traveling over the mountains, and another is taking the rope straight down the cliff. Obviously, the last option will be chosen by those with the adventure gene. It’s not clear — it should be noted — if the so-called “adventure gene” actually exists. Even if it does, this test won’t necessarily let you know whether or not you have it.

…Do You?

Even if it’s not an exact scientific experiment, it’s still fun to go through The Adventure Gene Test experience and make certain choices. The second challenge involves making a choice at a local street market. You have to choose what you want to eat. Be careful — some of the food options may not be what they seem. The final challenge involves figuring out how to get your Land Rover across a rocky river. You can take a sketchy bridge, try to find your way out using a map, or drive straight across. Choose wisely, but remember the test is all about adventure. According to the results of my test, I’m not so adventurous. Find out how you compare!

Will Hagle:

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