Gym-Pact – Never Waste Your Expensive Gym Membership Again!

This site + app actually pays you to go to the Gym... and fines if you don't!

Gym-Pact – The unmistakable allure of splashing out on an expensive gym membership is something many of us just can’t resist, with the opportunity to transform from Mr.Measly to Mr.Muscle too good to pass up. However, we don’t tend to factor in the likelihood that after joining, the most difficult weight to actually pick up is, well, ourselves. Sometimes we need just that little bit of extra motivation to get up and go. And that’s where comes in, ensuring that the couch potato in you will remain firmly locked away until after you’ve been to the gym! gives its users that extra incentive in the form of financial rewards – money. Gym-Pact dishes out money for its users that actually use their gym memberships. Sounds a little too good to be true? Well, the site works by letting users set up ‘Pacts’, where they will set weekly targets for how many days a week they will go to the gym, and how much they will have to pay out as punishment if they break the pact. Members can check in at any registered gyms (new gyms can be registered easily) using the Gym-Pact iPhone app. Gym-Pact can then see who will be paying the forfeits that week for not keeping their weekly pact, and who has been committed enough to cash in. The best part is that those who keep their pacts get paid by those who don’t – survival of the
fittest sound familiar?

Check out this video for more info, and click here to make your gym-pact!

Danny Davies:

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