FlowingData – Data and Statistics – Visualized

Posted on Monday, April 13th, 2009 by

FlowingData – From the site’s About Us page, FlowingData “explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better – mainly through data visualization. Money spent, reps at the gym, time you waste, and personal information you enter online are all forms of data. How can we understand these data flows? Data visualization lets non-experts make sense of it all” – and they certainly do so by transforming cold numbers into lively visual projects. This might sound too ambitious for some but to be honest, it is just downright amazing. My personal two favorites are an interactive map showing the growth of Walmart across America and Nokia Collaborates with Generative Artists for Beautiful Interactive Pieces. Below is one of the artistic videos you will find on the post. Interesting, isn’t it?

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