Failure is an Opportunity!

Posted on Monday, January 12th, 2009 by

Quotes Daddy – Quotes Daddy is all about he said she said but on a different intellectual level… Instead of praising this resource’s large pool of quotes, I would prefer to list some of my fave quotes and hope that you, too, will be intrigued by what others have to say. Henry Ford: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”; Mark Twain: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one”; Albert Einstein: “Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed”; Maria Sharapova (yes, she is also quoted): “I’m not the next anyone, I’m the first Maria Sharapova.” Quite smart, he?

Plastic Jungle – The Holidays season is over for the time being, and now is the perfect time to suggest a site that handles all your unwanted gift cards. Plastic Jungle is a Gift Cards exchange market where you can buy, sell or trade gift cards. The easiest and fastest way to sell your gift cards is to sell them directly to the site through the QuikCash program. This is not as lucrative as selling a card yourself (the case in which you set the amount), but it is definitely quick and easy. You can use the “QuikCash Calculator” to determine how much, if anything, Plastic Jungle will pay for your gift card. Is this service worth it? Only you can answer this question because it is based on your personal preferences. We’re here to simply suggest valuable tools.

TheRadio – The ever-changing landscape of Internet radio these days offers numerous audio streaming sites, radio stations and on-demand audio sources. One such source that ought to be mentioned is TheRadio. It offers the same overall concept but from an unusual angle. Its execution is comprehensive, meaning it ensures that you receive an exceptional radio experience with the added value of personal online features such as commercial-free content, the ability to skip or remove songs as you see fit, and the repeat option for your fave songs from the history tab. Start your own radio by searching  for Artists, Channels, Charts or Genres that you’re interested in and from that point on, TheRadio will provide continuous play via streaming of similar music. Should this be added to our WebRadio faveline? We are certainly considering it. TheRadio was just launched this past November and we will keep it on our back burner and follow its progress. Rest assured, if we feel it deserves another spotlight moment, you’ll be the first to know about it….

EAMAZINGS – One of my recent blogs’ title was Content is King. Why am I mentioning this? When I first came across EAMAZINGS I reckoned it was far from being an appealing site in terms of design. It is very 90’s-like, without any pzazz and is definitely more informative than attractive, which really goes against the site’s bombastic and promising name…  Nevertheless, I still found myself browsing through it for hours because their content is simply superb. On EAMAZINGS you will find a plethora of interesting stories that range from weird to amazing to unbelievable, and these will keep you going for hours. Since I have already spent a considerable amount of time exploring this site, I would like to let you in on some interesting stories: Strange Airports from Around the World, Worlds Smallest Girl Proud of her Tiny Size, The making of Acrobatic Girls, and something for the boys: Top 5 Fastest Cars in the World.

YourTango – YourTango is a community focused on love, sex, dating and relationship advice. This passionate community deals with emotionally-engaging and thought-provoking content. No matter what LoveStage you are in at the moment – Single, Taken, Engaged, Married, Starting Over, or it’s Complicated, YourTango will help you live your love life to the fullest. The site is aimed at the female audience although I am sure many men will find the content quite relevant to their own life and situation. Besides, many men could use a little know-how of the opposite sex, right? Some of the interesting articles I read include: Divorce is Not an Option, The World’s Longest Honeymoon and Smart Men Make Better Sperm.

Notes from the Road – Notes from the Road is an online travelogue by Erik Gauger. Erik travels by road, by kayak, by seaplane and most of all, on foot. He uses a large format camera and watercolor sketches to illustrate places, history and people. Notes from the Road looks at a handful of connected regions from the perspective of the outsider looking in. The result is amazing pictures accompanied by engaging authentic travel stories. Sounds intriguing enough?

TeeFury – TeeFury is a place where you will find amazing tees at amazing prices – $9 (plus $2 shipping). The idea behind it is pretty simple: each TeeFury’s t-shirt is sold in a super-limited edition, offered for sale for only 24 hours or until it’s sold out, whichever happens first. After 24 hours the t-shirt is removed from TeeFury, never to be offered for sale again (at least through TeeFury – artists retain full rights to their artwork and may choose to make the piece available at a future date). So if you’re looking for an affordable and unique t-shirt, look no further. A quick reminder: if you see something you like and it hasn’t been sold out yet, you’d better grab it fast before the fat lady sings.

Wake Up, Freak Out – This really isn’t about polar bears any more. At this very moment, the fate of civilization itself is in question. It turns out that the way we have been calculating future impacts of climate change up to this point was missing a crucial component. It seems we are now dangerously close to the tipping point in the world’s climate system; this is the point of no return, after which truly catastrophic changes become inevitable. Make a small change by watching this 11-minute animated movie. If you feel like doing more and pitching in, pay it forward and send it to all your friends. Awareness is the best incentive for action!

Know The Signs – We all have friends that tend to go overboard with drinks, regardless of family origins and nationality. On the other hand, each one of us could easily find him or herself in the exact same situation, say in our own birthday party at the neighborhood bar. Discover what drinking character you are or could potentially become through this Heineken campaign. Are you the Crier, the Fighter, the Sleeper, the Exhibitionist or the Groper? Please note that you must be of legal drinking age to visit this site.

MeeblingsUse the physical properties of each type of Meebling to your best advantage and guide as many Meeblings as you can to their goal. There are 50 levels in all, so if you are stuck – check these walkthroughs. Enjoy, and make sure you check all our Weekly Games.

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