Posted on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 by Shachar Pessis
Diddit – Paul Gauthier is the person behind Diddit. Early on in his career he was fortunate enough to start a company called Inktomi which created a pretty cool search engine, then later went public and was ultimately acquired by Yahoo. Having had his technology dreams fulfilled, Paul then decided to move out of the valley and pursue all of the things he wanted to do in life – sort of his personal list of 101 things to do before you die. These included doing his Masters and climbing six out of the seven summits of the world, among other wild ‘To Dos.’ However, aside from the adrenalin rush some of these experiences were bound to create, Paul was overwhelmed with the feeling of accomplishment and wanted to share his experiences with others, be they fellow adventurers or not. That is the essence behind Diddit – creating your own To- Do list, actually following it through and then sharing it with others. And if you don’t have any dreams of your own, you can always be inspired by these from the Diddit community. After all, it is all about sharing. I want Bar Refaeli to be the presenter of AllMyFaves, do you think I can put it on my To-Do list?