Atom – Your Daily Dose of Laughter!

Posted on Monday, March 9th, 2009 by

AtomLaughter not only makes you feel better but the use of humor can also be a crucial tool of insight. George Burns said it best: “You can’t help getting older, but you can help getting old. Chronologically, the clock is going to keep on ticking for all of us, but if we take a lick of humor, we can prevent a hardening of the attitudes. If we savor humor, humor can be a lifesaver.” Atom provides your daily dose of laughter by combing quality produced content from the Atom comedy team and successful contributions from UGC (User Generated Content). Indeed, they give amateur creators a way to Go Pro. This enabels users and Atom alike to reach a wide audience, earn money and gain distribution across the web – it is a Win-Win situation. The result is endless hours of laughter and I’m not the only one who thinks so; Atom recently announced that they have partnered up with Comedy Central to develop a new web series and videos with some of the funniest people in the industry. They’re also putting the Atom TV series on the Comedy Central network in late-night air times.

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