Posted on Monday, October 12th, 2009 by Annat Katz
Artwiculate – Think you have the English vocabulary down and covered? There’s nothing like a daily test of your alleged virtuosity to see if you’re a man (or woman) of your…word, or just someone who scored high on their verbal SATs. Artwiculate is a “twitter-based Word of the Day competition that helps clever people look clever and helps the rest of us learn new words.” As soon as you enter into the site, you’ll see a big word on the left. That’s the word of the day. If you’re not sure what it means, click on “Show the Definition.” Now what? The idea is to use that word in a sentence in the wittiest way you can think of – and post that sentence on Twitter.
In addition to your own Twitter account, your short composition will be posted on the Artwiculate homepage for other users to rate and choose their faves. Also, you can see yesterday’s winners to discover just how creative people can be with words. Here’s a great example of the process, using the word Fastidious. Overall, this site’s concept, design and the daily routine it installs for those interested are fantastic. Check it out and get some ammunition for your next Scrabble game.