Posted on Monday, November 18th, 2013 by Will Hagle
Wearable Movie is a site that hosts an incredible short stop-motion animation film created by Coca-Cola in order to support those that make the world a little happier.
Coca-Cola claims to have created the World’s First Wearable Movie. Although you can’t actually put the movie on your body and wear it around, they did succeed in pulling off a really cool and unique short film. The company sent hundreds of people around the world a t-shirt, each printed with a unique drawing. They then asked the recipients of the shirts to take a picture of themselves wearing the shirt, with the drawing clearly visible. The company then edited all of the photos together to make an awesomely unique stop-motion animation story about some cartoon characters that like drinking Coca-Cola as well as a giant pair of lips.
Individuals wearing t-shirts range from company friends to Facebook fans.
The Wearable Movie moves by fairly quickly, so it’s tough to understand the entire story in one go-through. The better part of the experience, however, comes when you hit the pause button. When you press pause, the site displays a single photograph, along with information about the person in the photograph. Every picture includes a bit of information about how the person in the photograph has made the world happier. If you pause on photo number 251, for instance, you’ll find that Gus Ahrens “has made the world happier by being an expert for how to fix any kind of bike!” The ways in which people have made the world a better place vary drastically from person to person, but the result is an inspiring reminder that most people are working to make each other happier.