Posted on Monday, March 10th, 2014 by Will Hagle
Get your 10 best hotels, wherever you’re going. Compare hotel deals and get the lowest price every time. Book your perfect hotel with
Top 10 makes finding the perfect hotel simple. All you need to do is type in your preferred destination or hotel name, and pick a check-in/check-out date (or indicate that you don’t have specific dates yet). Then, the site returns the top 10 hotel options in that area for those specific nights. Top 10 accomplishes this task by scanning a variety of hotel providers, as well as sites like, Expedia and other sites that find hotel deals throughout the web.
Although the site displays the overall Top 10 sites for the location and dates you’ve selected, it also allows you to further filter your choices by features, such as “wifi, parking, pool,” etc. The Top 10 locations are also displayed on a map to make your decision easier.
Top 10 uses a feature called TopRank in order to search through the thousands of hotels it offers. TopRank uses a variety of features in order to determine a best fit, including popularity data, customer reviews, location, price, research and the Top 10 team’s own research. The site guarantees that you will find the best hotel deal possible by using its service, especially because it combs through other popular services like Expedia anyways. Although Top 10 is a London-based company, the site offers hotel deals in countries throughout the world. It’s function is simple, and it’s much easier to choose between 10 hotels than the pages and pages of deals that other sites list. The is also cleanly designed, offering information about your destination as well as sightseeing recommendations.