fflick – Wanna See a Movie? Check Twitter First

Posted on Monday, August 16th, 2010 by

fflick – Going to the cinema is still quite magical in my view; the big screen, the comfy seats and the smell of popcorn make the cinematic experience totally worth it. On the other hand, great entertainment is seldom free and a trip to the cinema costs an average of $12 (and that excludes gas expenses, snacks and beverages). Want to make sure your twelve bucks are well spent? Check out fflick.

Based on movies’ buzz on the Web that’s coming from Twitter feeds of users all over, fflick tells you which movies are worth your trip to the theaters. If you have a public Twitter account then you’re automatically a fflick member, which makes it really easy to find out which movies you should go and see. The fflick concept is so simple and so useful we just had to make it a Weekly Fave. Don’t you agree? See the screen shot below of the detailed review page of the movie Mao’s Last Dancer which really moved me. Highly recommended!

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