Boxnutt: Like Pinterest, But Funny!

Pinterest has been 2012’s ultimate Internet phenomenon, so it’s unsurprising everyone else is trying to hang onto its ever-growing coat-tails. We reviewed the Top 10 Best Sites Like Pinterest recently, and here’s another to add to the list: Boxnutt is like Pinterest… only funnier!

Spot the difference…

When I first took a look over Boxnutt it was so clear how much of it had been copied straight out of the Pinterest school of tiled web design that it genuinely could have been Pinterest! Even the ‘Sign Up’ bar is basically the same.

So why then would we be putting what appears to be a blatant copy of a site we’ve already featured as a Weekly Fave, and probably doesn’t need discovering again? Well, because all is not what it first appears!

Take one idea. Make it funny:

Boxnutt spotted a little hole in Pinterest’s endless stream of cake and crafts projects… and it’s called comedy. It goes straight for the funny pics, clips and memes market made so popular by sites like Cheezburger (which you can find on our Humor Homepage); and then adds that oh-so-trendy social bookmarking twist.

But enough chat, here’s the site. Take a look, spot the Pinterest differences, and share the funny stuff you find with us on Twitter or Facebook!

Danny Davies:

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