BenchPrep: Cross-Platform, Book-Free Courses For Prep Tests

Carrying your heavy books home from a boring day at the library is always rough. BenchPrep prep test courses won’t make studying fun but they will prevent that shoulder pain that comes from a heavy backpack… and they could help improve your grades!

What’s different about a BenchPrep prep test course?

One innovative feature of BenchPrep is its cross platform technology. You can start prepping on your laptop, then switch to an Iphone and you can continue from the exact place you left off. BenchPrep courses are typically comprised of review modules, digital flashcards, practice questions and practice tests. As you go through the material you can write yourself notes and bookmark difficult concepts. With BenchPrep courses you purchase the course once and get it forever as the courses don’t expire.

What review courses are offered at BenchPrep?

BenchPrep offers courses under the following categories: college admissions, graduate admissions, certifications & licensing, high school courses, college courses and civil service. So if your studying for the SAT, MCAT, CFA exam, high school algebra exam, college accounting and so many others, BenchPrep could have a prep course that meets your needs.

Bottom Line

BenchPrep offers well organized online courses for prep tests, which never expire. The courses are fully accessible on your laptop or moblie devices and require no heavy textbooks.

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