Top 20 Unusually Stunning Beautiful Hot Models of the World

americasmodelsamericasmodelsThe world has too many models to count! So we have found some of the coolest/hottest models alive today, from all around the world.

The World’s Most Beautiful Women

Many girls dream to become a model. There are so many different kinds of modeling such as fashion, glamour, and runway, but each one requires some type of beauty. It is not easy to make it as a model since the competition is very high, but these girls have what it takes and managed to make a name for themselves.


1) Natalie Pack

Natalie Pack, Miss California 2006, an America’s Next Top Model contestant, is constantly growing her 82K fan page on Instagram. She has an alluring style, posts pictures of exotic beaches, family photos, her dog Fig and many creative, stunning modeling pictures!

2) Abby Lee Kershaw

Abby Lee Kershaw is a vigorous fashion model. She started modeling at 17 and became “popular in a blink of an eye.” She has posed for some of the top photographers alive. She is the face of Chloe and Gucci’s fragrance – Flora. She modeled for some of the world most fashionable brands, such as Versace, and she has a famous catwalk.

3) Fei Fei Sun

Fei Fei Sun, a Chinese model taking part in 10 agencies located in different fashion capital cities such as Milan & Paris, has a very edgy and sophisticated style. She spilled her secret to her beautiful skin and it’s as simple as wearing sunscreen. When she was younger, her mother would remind her to wear it everyday. Her other beauty secrets include washing her hair everyday and lots of primer.

4) Sophia Vergara

Sophia Vergara, a sexy American actress, ranking high on Instagram’s hottest lists, was nominated consecutively for Emmy and Golden Globe awards. She started rising to fame as a photographer noticed her beauty on a beach, and soon she was flaunting herself on a Latin American Pepsi commercial. She could be described as very elegant with great taste. She is also very kind.

5) Lais Deleon

Lais Deleon is one of the world top fitness models. She has a website, with tips on how to achieve her strong physique. She is very famous for her hardcore abs. Her images portray her “fit” lifestyle, pictures of clean meals, workout exercises and lots of selfies.

6) Jen Setler

Famous for her squats, they say Jen Settler’s butt speaks for herself. It’s hard to take your eyes off it. She is a fitness trainer and started blogging about her “perfect” behind in March 2012. When her Instagram account reached 300,000, she started receiving endorsement offers due to the likes of big pages such as Nike and Reebok. This proves that having a nice butt brings you far in life, unfortunately, or not.

7) Josephine Skriver

The 22 year old green eyed beauty, is a Dutch model from Copenhagen, walking many upscale runways in New York. She has many Instagram pictures showing off her supermodel figure and her glamorous lifestyle.

8) Val Mercado

A model for Buffalo jeans, Val Mercado has stunning eyes, lips, and most importantly great curves. Open mouthed selfies with cat eye eyeliner make up most of her Instagram account. Before fame she would suffer from depression and used social media as a way to cope. Later she was juggling two jobs and modeling, changing her major to journalism and pursuing a career as a red carpet reporter.

9) Amanda Cerny

Amanda Cerny, one of the most experienced models, with one of the most diverse portfolios up to date, has a very playful personality. She is a playmate as well. Her videos will guarantee a laugh; she is one of the funniest girls on Instagram. Her favorite cheat meal is “CHOCOLATE!!!” She could eat it all day if it didn’t give diabetes.

10) Barbara Palvin

Barbara Palvin, an impeccable popular model in Germany and US, has a very artistic, unique style, published in some of the hottest magazines such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan. She has a very fierce look. She is said to be Hungary’s most popular person, and even had a fling with Justin Beiber.

11)  Valeria Lukyanova

She had always had an obscured vision, first appearing in a dream, a vision to become a human Barbie. Her fame began when she started uploading self-shot videos to YouTube, attracting a grand audience. Through many surgical operations, she earned her title of “Human Barbie.” In person people portray her as “scary,” appearing as a “manga” cartoon character.

12) Diana Melison

22 and currently living in Moscow, one of Russia’s hottest models and women, Diana Melison, certainly makes it to our list. Melison is a size 3 model, representing the “hot body” of a Russian girl. The 5”7 brown eyed model enjoys taking “smoking hot” videos on her YouTube and Instagram account.

13) Franchesca Delcaprio

Franchesca Delcaprio an Italian and Colombian bombshell that is more of a glamour model, obsessed with going to the beach and uses sex as a stress reliever, she pursues a very successful modeling career. After her looks fade she wants to explore the world, to experience different cultures, countries and languages.

14) Elise Natalie

Miss Tropic beauty 2015, one of the top bikini model agencies, Elise Natalie, has one of the hottest bodies and resumes out there. She has been featured in over 25 newspapers/magazines. With some of the most beautiful pictures on Instagram, Elise is shockingly 26 years old, and she loves to show off her hot body. She has great business skills which really helped her market herself.

15) Olivia Campbell

Olivia is one of America’s first plus size models. She is surely not shy as she poses with ultra-confidence in a bikini at over 200 pounds, not only is she plus size but she is 44 years old. She has modeled for some great magazines such as Monif C., Slink Magazine, Skorch Magazine, Plus Model Magazine.

16) Georgia May Jagger

Georgia May Jagger, the daughter of Mick Jagger, is a teenage inspiration. She has been featured in countless magazine covers, and the modeling world is a huge excitement for her. Surprisingly, in a Yahoo interview she admits that she is not very confident.

17) Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima, a Catholic Brazilian supermodel who likes to keep her age a secret, is one of the highest paid people in the world.  She is a very loving person and believes that ”love just happens once. You can be mistaken, you can think you are in love, but after a while you discover that you’re really not. Real love is different.” You can really see the passion in her blue eyes.

18) Hannah Davis

A lot of people wonder, who is Hannah Davis? To quench your curiosity, she is a New York Yankee’s girlfriend, born in the US Virgin Islands, a published model in brands such as Victoria’s secret, Tommy Hilfiger, & Ralph Lauren, and, lastly, a dog lover.

19) Cara Delevingne

A very popular model with some very cool friends such as Rhianna, Rita Ora, and the Kardashian-Jenner clan, Cara Delevinge always tries to have a smile on her face. Born in London, she always believed in a very interesting phenomenon: “The energy you give off is the energy you receive.” She is a vogue-style model, a highest-fashion magazine, her face is portrayed all around the world.

20) Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner is a teen sensation. Before she was a model, which her sister Kim Kardashian talked her into, she was a cheerleader. In 2010, she was voted #10 hottest young stars of 2010. Her first jobs include Forever 21, Nordstrom and Luca Couture, after which her modeling career started to skyrocket.

Hope You Enjoyed These Hotties!

It is not hard to find a beautiful girl. They are all over the world! These girls embrace some of the most beautiful traits, their exoticness will keep them on your mind.


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  • 1 .The death walking pruoding but what he did...
    This my address for my real story from Iraq friends this story so important I cover to u all whom attacked the brothers in France and Belgium .and Russia and Turkey and USA and Germany ..yes friends .I do this hoping your hands with me .But in what I say to you only not any one else ask you another thing I will be not responsible about this .But just I will ask you to do ..yes my friends cause whom did the devil gangs .evil himself get out from he'll break his chain to appear in Iraq ..He established large organisation .I did yet now a lot of things against it .but no use .its still work .by devilish ways . His four arms so long and it's Need cut .and his eyes .by satellite .and this must stop by any way .This evil organisation. You can so easy cover it by asking nato alliance .to observe .This place in Iraq .Iraq .diwanyha city middle Iraq .In twon named afak . The nato must observe this place by satellites ..yes friends .do this and you must do if you interest by the blood of our brothers whom fallen in France and Belgium and Russia and Turkey and USA and Germany .and I didn't ask you to do impossible thing but so easy .cause I need you to see and make sure by your self .cause this organisation of evil attacked me by Ray in my head and I barley I can write now body spread ray .and I am 2 I am alone .no any position in Iraq just so simple person .don't believe any thing else .also no one with me .Just one .Not give any orders to any one .Also I am not chief of my trib alhamza trib .or chief on my family and an their wife son .also not in police or in security or in government ... not have any organisation in Iraq .also this information about me so important to keep it .Who knows my be it's will be chance to end this organisation forever . Also I am not responsible about any one belong to this staninc organisation .In all Iraq .also in any branch to it . Cause this organisation have four branch belong to it .South .East .West .North .afak .All this branches .belong to this organisation . Any foolish stay in any one from four Satan arms I didn't responsible about him .Not give him any orders .I said this .cause I have a reason .cause I consider my self as victim to this evil organisation flee from the mouth of evil .but he use betry with me .and I again return to face him again but now different from past cause I cover him ..I know it's big adventure some one face big gangs like this organisation .but no another choice .at all . .yet now this organisation play on its style .lies and cheat .tricks .trap ..also whom lead it's hide them self .and do you what evil ways they use my be some didn't believe .They use so small spy 3 difficult in country like Iraq some one cover it or even stop it .those evil .putted this tool on the bodies of others with our they know .Please focus on this way . Those evil sale the body of others to use its. They use it as cover to them self. For example .The manger of this organisation hide himself .and he have computer. Connected .With the spy tool that putted on so one body .He see and hear with him ...The manger give his orders to his members using this body .cause this orders also saying that this body Is the manger .but he not .I think this way like the way of Stan himself .when he embodied on some one body kill his sprit and he take his body and use .This to do evil things .In place like Iraq .so hard to poor people .to free then self from like this organisation .The life of poor not important .If they live or die .Satan the leader of this organisation have high position security beside he have his four arms .South .North .West .East .He defend himself and attack by its this four arms so danger and it's also have positions and money .and members ..This mean just miracle .The person who Satan take his .If he save himself .This way .of Satan is slavery exactly .He take human bodies like sheep .take for example this body and use .and after months he kill this body and get out from this died body to get in .on another body .yes friends look at .by the way whom got Satan in their 4 bodies .let talk about them fewly .as I said Satan he is the real manger to this organisation .but he hide him self and have his computer .to give his orders to his four sons of bitch the branchs. But by using the bodies of his victims. How .when this victim .eat or drink or take thing or money or talk or be in place or go to some one .Also think ..look at this evil . He want all cheated that this victim I's the manger .and he hide himself . .If if the victim know about this spy tool .even this will be not useful for him .even if he warn others that he is not manger at all to this evil organisation with it four horn. And some one spy on him he is the manger .This will be useless .cause he is poor only .Satan will continue his plan and lead his four dogs .using this body .also Satan use mind control program .In his organisation .and he give some one so near to him .Full authority to lead his four dogs .North .East .West .South. .. also .I wish cover also ..The lies that Satan used to kill the friends of coalition troops in Iraq .and in real it's break our hearts .cause it's so evil ways I said this sanke of snake have four heads .look how Satan did .He give by his computer .orders to east and south to attack the friends of coalition troops in every where in Iraq .using great technology .and their security positions and their arms gangs .now what the friends did .They.6 they looking for protection or to face this terrorism gangs that support ed by their security pistions. .now focus on evil plan .He also give by his same computer his orders to the biggest evil .The North and west to put the mask on their ugliest faces .and say the are friends to coalition troops or USA or nato alliance .All the friends jumping from happy to find to this place thinking they found save place .but what place the found if they still runway more best than throw them self on evil mouth with out any resist let me tell more secrets .of this gangs styles or ways to flee from any punishment .1 lie .lies . Those masters of lies and cheat .For example .The went to France after they attacked it. How this my friends .those cry of what their hands slights .kill and ched tears on their victims . Let me explain .more .imagine your self visited one friend for u .In his home .You will meet all his family .His father and mother and brothers .His wife .else .You will talk with orders you see them respectable .also you see teen or some not .now in this visit you find your wallet stolen ..when u in this home .who did this one of whom bad .In this family .what you will do .of course you will say this to whom respectable .and those will make them self sorry and promise you to do some thing .when you leave this house .All whom in this house will establish a party to celebrate by your 7 you wallet money . Now you can know what I mean .This organisation like family .Some made them self good and some bad .But fact all those same ..The only way to deal with organisation. Put red line on it .On its four branch .South .West .East. North. And the thief .. This the only way .No else .no trust at all .No one good in it.cause first condition to get in .worship the evil ..and knew to his laws .like .Eat .drink . talk. Take money .things. or .talk ..think.else .and who fired from this gangs .must be kill .or hut ..also gambler. Yet now I make a lot of things against this organisation .but no use .its like I am in war against evil ..himself. when I did .This use cheat .and pull me inside it .and I found my self I have members from its .and I a chief or manger to two branches from the four that this gangs have its .now you can know why I told you who I am in Iraq .simple person .poor .not chief of my trib .not have any one belong to me take my orders .or members I am alone I know .This .very well .beside not have any position in any thing .Not in police or security ..not have any organisation .also not goal keeper .protect those record names .All this fakes pictures .This gangs did against me .to fail my attempts to punish it . Those play this game all time flee .using from corruption in Iraq .and they sale honor so easy . 8 any of those whom I told saled their mouths .to this gangs .also I inform Iraq parliament .that evil putted spy tool on me .and he have organisation on me .like he slaved my body .but no any action against him .and all know this is not legal .This evil built his organisation on my head .In spite I don't have organisation .and still following me .His organisation not my organisation .not my words they obey at all ..when I think .or take thing or money or talk or drink or Eat .else .He give his orders to his four dogs .even if my tounge didn't say any words .also if I said any thing those four dogs didn't obey or care about its.cause it's know it's master very well .who give it's bones and food and laws of jump .laws of gangs .beside it's record names .With him .and money he give them and in Iraq the king who have money .only

  • I want to be a model have always wished for that since I was little,,but I actually dnt know what to do I really need somebody to connect me plz,,reply
