This Land: Interactive Documentary Reveals Canada’s Harshest Terrain

Posted on Monday, March 12th, 2012 by

Read, click through and listen to the North

This Land – Is it an e-book? Is it an audiobook? Is it a photo expose? Or is it an interactive point-n-click adventure? Actually, it’s all of them. And it’s eye opening, engaging and above all, beautiful. Come discover with us the amazing story of documentary filmmaker Dianne Whelan’s 16 day snowmobile expedition across 2000km to Canada’s northernmost tip…

Utterly Captivating…

Ever wondered what it’s like in Canada’s far north? Ever wanted to discover new and interesting terrain? Well this involvingly interactive online documentary helps you do it. I actually just enjoyed listening to it as an audiobook, as the sound of the narrator’s voice intertwined with the sounds of the nature that surrounded her on her trek are simply captivating! But then if you want the full pleasure of this travel experience, click through it on your PC. It’s really quite something…

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