The Burning House – What Would You Save from Your Burning Home?
Posted on Monday, June 6th, 2011 by Annat Katz
The Burning House – The concept of this beautiful and inspiring blog -a winning Weekly Blog, in fact, by Foster Huntington– is simple: “If your house was burning, what would you take with you?” Each post is the submission of a different person showing quite aesthetically his or her must-have objects.
See what Luca Cavallaro, a 34 year old designer from NY has picked:

Name: Luca Cavallaro
Age: 34
Location: New York
Occupation: Designer
- Alma Lou, she would even be enough.
If I have time:
- Hard drive, for memories that my brain failed to store.
- Sunglasses, I feel naked without them.
- Wallet, a gift from my wife.
- My father’s old camera, I promised him to take good care.
- Sneaker, emergency orange.
- In the black box, my vintage eyewear collection (favorite only).
- Phone.
- Vintage leather mask, in case I have to protect my face from the flames.
- Dieter Rams alarm clock, I don’t wake up on my own.
- Orange hummer, if i have to brake some windows during the escape.
- Life buoy ring, in case of flooding. In Italy we say:” le sfighe non vengono mai da sole”, misfortunes never come alone.
To submit your own photographed list of items you would take from your burning house, submit your own post.
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