On May 15, 2012, Millions Will Share Their Life With You

On July 24, 2010, thousands of people around the word uploaded videos of their day to Youtube to take part in Life in a Day’ – a historic cinematic experiment by Ridley Scott to created a documentary film about a single day on earth. On May 15, 2012, aday.org will attempt to do the same, but with photographs, giving you the opportunity to be a part of an equally historic online experience, and we are happy to share it with you.

The power of a day

Aday.org – “Days” have been a great subject for many artistic disciplines: “The Day After Tomorrow”, “500 Days of Summer”, “Groundhog Day” are some of many notable ‘day’ related films. On TV we’ve got “Days of Our Lives” or “24”. And now, the ‘day’ is about to be democratized on the Internet: this time, YOU are the main character of the story, because on May 15, you’re being humbly requested to pick up your camera, photograph your daily life and upload it to the online portfolio of peoples’ lives on that day, at aday.org.  How would you feel about being a muse for a day?

A permanent exhibition to a day in your life

All the images will be displayed online under a system of categories, subcategories and keywords: this means the photos you share of your life won’t become just another piece of anonymous online data, it will really be a part of this project.  So once you shoot and upload an aspect of your life (whether work, home or connections), you’re in, and nobody cares about the quality of your photos, just about your unique perspective on life! Isn’t the idea of doing something together worldwide thrilling? Be a part of a photography historic challenge by clicking here, and adding aday.org to your homepage so you don’t forget on May 15!



Natalia Farbiarz:

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