DIY – Empower your children’s creativeness

DIY is a website that provides children with a platform to show off their creative side. When kids sign in they get their own webpage that displays their homemade works so that people can see just how creative they are. The sites main idea is to make kids take pride in their ability’s and not hide them, DIY’s motto is that they are a community of kids who make, and that  kids’ creativity must be preserved.

When creative kids grow up they become creative grown ups…

I remember when I was young I used to build things on a daily basis: tree houses, carts, sling shots and even traps for my older sister… That memory made me think whether passing on inappropriate, or downright mean ideas like that is positive: do you want people to know your kids are this devious? Well, DIY thought about that too, so kids must get parents’ permission to sign up, and then us parents can monitor our kids’ activities on the site. Parents also receive e-mails about new posts the kids make so you can keep an eye on your little Einstein’s projects and even more importantly, encourage them to stay creative.

Some people just know how to do it right!

DIY’s CEO is no other then Zach Klein, who is best known for co-founding and designing Vimeo, but also had his hand in Svpply, CollegeHumor and BustedTees A good idea from a guy who knows what to do with it – a recipe guaranteed to give us a great dish! Its still new but have a look and see the potential, I know I love it, and will be passing it on to my kids.








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Uri Halevi:

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