Posted on Monday, March 3rd, 2014 by Will Hagle
Stalking and hunting down style notes from all genres of culture including: music, art, design, photography, technology, pop culture, advertising, and of course, fashion, Trendland dishes out a multi-course menu of new ideas each day.
Trendland is an online magazine that offers updates and forecasting predictions in the trend world, from fashion and design to music and art. Fashion is undoubtedly at the center of Trendland, likely because that’s the category that most often sees shifts in trends and styles. Luckily, website creators Cyril Foiret and Ani Tzenka are seasoned fashioned veterans with impeccable taste and a strong editorial voice. Although the site is filled with tons of great information, images and photographs of innovative trends are at the forefront of the site’s approach to displaying information. The site is well-designed and well-organized, and its easily scrollable. Most of the articles hosted on Trendland feature a variety of high quality pictures, along with a short blurb explaining what’s being depicted.
The articles hosted on Trendland vary from more in-depth, specific features such as the Interior Design post “Cerisio 7 Restaurant Designed By Dimore Studio For DSquared Twins,” to more product-oriented posts such as the Graphic Design section’s “Soap From The Village People.” There are numerous of subsections for various types of content, all of which are hosted under one of the following main categories: “Fashion,” “Design,” “Photography,” “Art,” “Culture,” “Music,” and “Video.”
There’s also a “Shop” section, which offers “A Shoppable Curation Of Trends.” The items hosted on that portion of the site are not sold directly by Trendland, but though links to other sites. The products offered range from shoes and sweatshirts to Montblac pens and coconut oil. The main thread holding them all together, as is the case with the rest of the articles hosted on the site, is that they’re all cool, cutting edge trends worthy of checking out now.