Say Hello… Again?!
The Hello, Again performance started with an idea – re-imagine David Bowie’s classic, “Sound and Vision.” But it became more than another cover. It became an experience that presented a fresh take on the possibilities of the once familiar, for both the audience and the performers. The show doesn’t stop with the live performance. In collaboration with Beck, Director Chris Milk is creating a digital experience that is fully interactive.
A Full 360 Degree View!
By capturing the concert with 360-degree cameras and 360-degree binaural microphones, online viewers will have the opportunity to experience the show from any and every seat in the house. This digital experience will allow online viewers to click through a variety of lenses to view the show, as well as experience three distinct and different sound origins: an outer microphone that captures the 160+ musicians up close, an inner microphone that represents what the studio audience hears, and finally a central microphone that lets you hear what Beck hears.
A Cover Like No Other!
Yet Beck’s plans go beyond rearranging the song. The musicians will be performing on a stage that encircles the audience: an arrangement that works with the possibilities of a multi-directional sound space. By joining forces with Director Chris Milk, the concert is captured on three 360-degree cameras as well as 360-degree microphones, allowing the audience of the digital experience to feel as if they’re actually there.
Grab your headphones, and get ready to be genuinely blown away with this true-to-life concert experience.