Hired: A New Type Of Job Marketplace

Posted on Monday, March 31st, 2014 by

Hired is a marketplace for recruiting the highest caliber of startup and tech talent to the best companies.Hired is a marketplace for recruiting the highest caliber of startup and tech talent to the best companies.

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Hired is a job marketplace that turns the traditional hiring structure completely upside down. Instead of allowing applicants to compete against each other for a certain position, Hired lets tech companies compete to hire you. Since the site has launched, over $1 million in offers have been extended through Hired, placed by nearly 800 employers. 87% of participants in the site have received offers. Those are incredible statistics for such an innovative concept for a hiring website, but they prove that the site’s unique approach does work. Plus, if you end up finding your job through Hired’s service, the company will send you a $2,000 signing bonus.

Hired - A New Type Of Job Marketplace

Hired is a job marketplace that turns the traditional hiring structure completely upside down.Let Employers Work to Employ You.

Unlike other job marketplaces, Hired makes companies give detailed salary and/or equity information upfront. This puts you in control, allowing you to decide which companies with which you want to interview. The way the actual hiring process takes place happens after a person sets up a profile on the site. The potential employee includes all of his or her information — skills, location, preferred job, etc. Then, there’s a week long auctionUnlike other job marketplaces, Hired makes companies give detailed salary and equity information upfront. in which various companies submit offers. At the end of the week, you should have a new job. Easy. The majority of the jobs offered on Hired are for Software Engineers, Product Managers, UX/UI Designers and Data Scientists. Employers that want to find employees from Hired’s talent pool can apply to be a member.

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