Made In The Future: A Discussion of Future Technologies

Posted on Monday, March 31st, 2014 by

There is so much emerging technology creating so many exciting tools and ideas - Made In The Future is wondering how this might shape our world.There is so much emerging technology creating so many exciting tools and ideas – Made In The Future is wondering how this might shape our world.

Learn About and Discuss Our Future.

Made in the future raises the question of how technology will influence the way humans create items, products and tools in the future. The site includes discussions with groups from the MIT Media lab about how future technologies will shape the way society operates — the economy, the types of jobs that’ll exist, and the way things will be made — in forthcoming years. As the site notes, science fiction has long speculated about these sort of questions. While imagination is key, designers are ultimately needed to create things like touch screens and the Internet (ideas that would seem incredibly futuristic several years ago). By examining various industries and approaches to creation, Made in the future offers in-depth analysis and intriguing thoughts about a wide variety of topics.

Made In The Future - A Discussion of Future Technologies

Made in the future raises the question of how technology will influence the way humans create items, products and tools in the future.Get Excited About the Future of Technology.

Made in the future is almost set up as a virtual textbook. There are five categories on the site in addition to the homepage’s general overview. These categories are entitled Meaning Economy, Making Exchanges, Outer Skills, Raw Systems and New Matter. Each of these sections include experimental videos that depict what certain products might look like and do in the future. There’s also an accompanying text block on each page that discusses the ideas more in-depth. The Meaning Economy section, for instance, refers to the idea that things are likely going to be tailored more towards the individual in the future. For anyone that’s interested in technology as well as speculation as to how that technology is going to progress in the future, you should definitely check out this site.

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