Posted on Monday, January 27th, 2014 by Will Hagle
The Museum Of Mario is an interactive online experience created by IGN detailing the history of the Mario franchise and the character’s various incarnations.
Mario is arguably one of the greatest video game franchises of all time, and it’s definitely one of the most popular. In honor of the world’s favorite Italian plumber, gaming site IGN has created “The Museum of Mario,” an interactive experience dedicated to the character. The site was designed in HTML5 to provide a smooth, compelling tour through Mario’s history. That history begins with 1981’s Donkey Kong, for which the Museum of Mario provides a description as well as a realistic-looking, movable arcade game. The site then continues its tour through the “8 Bit Era,” showcasing classic games such as the three games in the Super Mario Series. Adjacent to each game is a description of how Mario changed from game to game, as well as what features were added. There’s also an interactive component that allows you to unlock hidden features as you scroll through the Museum.
The Museum of Mario continues into the 16-bit era, offering a history of more complex Mario games such as the Super Nintendo games Super Mario World and Yoshi’s Island. The 3D era includes classic games such as Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros., and the Modern Era includes newer and current games such as Super Mario 3D Land. The site has also compiled a list of the trending topic #MarioMemories, allowing fellow gaming aficionados to share their fondest memories of the character from throughout the past 30 years.
The Museum offers Featured Tweets about Mario such as @mcjunkie’s quote “Me and my friend would stay on the phone ‘landline’ and hoot and holler at who beat whom to the next level.” If you’ve ever played any games in the Mario series, the Mario Museum offers valuable insight into the history and creation of the classic character. Head over and share your own thoughts to pay respect to the constantly evolving, yet always awesome, Mario.