Iconic: Guess The Name From Picture Icons

Iconic is a mobile app that has you guess words and names from picture icons.

Translate Images Into Words

Iconic is a game that challenges users to translate icons into words. As you play the game, the app displays simple drawings, often of everyday objects. It also displays a list of letters that ultimately work with the answer, as well as a clue to help you along. The trailer for the app uses the example of “Iron Man,” in which the app provided an image of an iron as well as a man, with the clue “Movie.” It sounds easy, but it can be tough to find the right words that fit with the images, especially when you’re stringing together multiple words.

Progress through Increasingly Difficult Levels

Once you get the hang of Iconic, it’s one of the most addicting apps to use. Some of the quizzes are easier than others, but some can be incredibly challenging. The images don’t always correspond exactly with everyday objects, as sometimes you’re expected to name a celebrity or band from the images provided. This makes things more difficult, but ultimately more challenging and rewarding. The app — which is available on iOS, Google Play and Windows Phone — has a clean, colorful design. It’s simple to use, fun to play, and has a sensical progression throughout multiple levels. It’s definitely worth a download.

Will Hagle:

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