Famous Album Covers: We Only See What We Want To See

Walking through life, how much do we really notice on an every day basis? Probably not that much, sometimes it is hard to see what is right in front of us. We really only see what we want to see.

Ferris Bueller Said It Best…

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” We are often wrapped up in the details of our daily lives and the events that take place, but rarely do we stop to look at the bigger picture. These album covers below have been cropped in to a “bigger picture” to show a message or situation. While we know the situations that the covers have been placed into are not the true messages, it shows us that in life itself we only see what we want to see and forget the bigger picture. Enjoy these famous album covers, and their “bigger picture”.

(More info: aptitude.co.uk, hats off to demilked.com)

The Beatles “Abbey Road” (1969)

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Toby Sanders:

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