Brilliant: A Community For The Intellectually Superior

Brilliant is where bright people go to develop their problem solving skills in order to best prepare themselves for higher-level tests, interviews and competitions.

Find Your Brilliant Path

Brilliant is a growing community of very smart students, educators and professionals who put there heads together to help shape the intellectual world. If you think that you might be interested, simply create an account and get ready for your intelligence level to skyrocket. After you’ve created an account, you’ll be asked to identify your interests. Those interests will determine the type of questions that will appear on your home screen. You will then choose the level of difficulty that you are comfortable with, and based on how you do on those questions, Brilliant will determine your initial rating and level in each topic.

Work Hard and Get Smarter

The team at Brilliant consists of educators, olympiad all-stars, academics, admissions officers etc. It is this powerful team that is able to identify and develop the weekly questions that you will have to work through and solve. Additionally, you can sift through thousands of practice problems and discuss the solutions with your peers so that you can better understand a given topic. Eventually, you’ll see your problem solving skills develop and you’ll be wonderfully prepared for all challenges in these fields. Prepare yourself for a rigorous mental challenge. Prepare to be Brilliant.

Dov Herzberg:

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