Dump – According to the Urban Dictionary, the word ‘dump’ refers to an activity (or the product thereof) one would avoid performing in public. Nevertheless, dump.com, despite its somewhat provocative name, is a wonderful fun station of weird, hilarious and interesting pics and videos, updated on a daily basis. The great part about this site is that Dump is “100% family friendly,” meaning you won’t find any sexual, racist or other inappropriate language and/or visuals here. Below are some of my faves. Enjoy!
My Parents Were Awesome – Although you may find it hard to believe, before you were born your parents had a life. They dressed fashionably, occasionally got drunk and maybe even went skinny dipping – to sum it up, they were young. My Parents Were Awesome is a place that gives you (the son/daughter) the stage for showing how awesome your parents were. So dig up your parents’ old photos and brag about just how cool they were.
I did a ‘once around the block’ looking at submitted photos of other users’ parents. I must admit, it’s quite interesting; I came across cool once-young-now-not-so-much pictures from the 60s, 70s, even 80s. I loved the concept of this website. My only comment is that they could have offered a ‘before and after’ photo face-off to spice things up a little. To see what I mean, see the pictures below. Wouldn’t you be interested to see these folks’ current pictures? I would.
Uniqlo Collection Tokyo 2009 – If you’re into fashion and keep up with the various Fashion Weeks around the world, I’m sure you’re quite familiar with various sites’ collection viewing features. Although these may vary to a certain extent, they all offer either videos or slide shows of the various designer fashion shows. That’s what you’d expect, right? Well, that’s what I thought, but then I came across Uniqlo Collection Tokyo 2009. This site is a remarkable spin on watching designer collections. Here every model is clickable – that’s all I’m going to disclose. You simply have to see it for yourself. I’ll just say this: after checking out this collection, you’ll have a different idea of the interactivity concept. Absolutely Fabulous!
Back To The Cubeture – Starring our main man, Cuboy, you’ll be sent off on an devastatingly adventurous mission full of wonder, mystery and… silliness. For daily updates, I recommend joining our games facebook fanpage – AllMyGames.
Halloween 2009 – A couple of months ago, we launched All My Faves’ personalization tool in private beta (request an invite here). If this is news to you, you should know that it’s a place where you can create your very own logo based homepage with your selection of favorite websites, essentially replacing your bookmarks. Having that said, it’s not the only thing you can do with our Mini Faves. Use this service as an effective marketing tool where you can showcase your portfolio, work samples, clients, or anything else you feel is important – all free of charge.
In order to provide you with a concrete example, we’ve created a Halloween Mini Faves ‘user,’ a one-stop shop (and experience) for all your Halloween needs. Here you’ll find logos with direct links to popular online costume stores and special outfits of high profile stars and heroes such as Harry Potter, Michael Jackson, and even sexy costumes for women who are interested. Apart from costumes, we also listed Halloween crafts and recipes, and also a little something to get you into the horror atmosphere Halloween is known for. Click on the picture below to visit the Halloween Mini Faves.
Jinni – Searching for movie information and recommendations online could hardly be considered a novelty. Thanks to websites such as IMDb, Netflix and iTunes’ Movie Trailers (see many others in the Movies faveline on our homepage), such searches truly are a pleasant walk in the park. Just when you thought this search niche was maxed out in terms of innovation, Jinni proves there IS another way of going about searching for movies, films, TV shows and other related media. They focus on moods, feelings and emotions (or lack thereof) films stirred in users’ hearts. Sounds dodgy? I thought so at first.
But then I signed up, and instead of entering a movie’s title or an actor’s name, I typed in “William Shakespeare” to see what they’ll make of it. This prompted a page with interesting results, and I was presented with additional search parameters – this is where Jinni stands out – such as Period, Place, Mood, Plot, Audience and more. I seriously recommend that you try out this site. It’s a great movie discovery tool worth a shot. And if you were wondering where Jinni stands in terms of web 2.0, here’s what they have to say: “Jinni isn’t a social network, it’s an internet application designed to fit how people relate to movies and TV. And since conversation is part of that, we’ve created tools to meet people with shared tastes, compare preferences, and review and rank titles.” This reminds me of the movie Contradictions of the Heart…
Tweak Today – Whenever I hear the words assignment, mission or task, my initial reaction is more often than not an “oh boy” one. But Tweak Today takes these intimidating nouns and makes them utterly entertaining and inspiring. It is a site where “the idea is that users rally behind a simple mission every day, and submit photos, videos, or “tweets” about it.” Here are two examples of already accomplished missions: show your favorite pair of shoes and post a picture of a book you started and never finished. These missions are all about fun and sharing.
I really enjoyed this website, and had a great time going through the various Missions Accomplished. Plus, the best part about Tweak Today is that they make participation easy – adding your tweak along with a picture or video is an intuitive piece of cake. Another cool feature they offer is suggesting a mission, and if enough people like it, it may be posted as the daily mission. Help my mission idea become an actual task by casting your vote on What’s the best ‘Monday’ song? My personal favorite is the one below.
English Central – This site falls under the “conversational English language learning” category, where users learn English through watching contemporary videos and repeating the conversations or dialogues played out on the screen. To give an example, I watched a video of President Barack Obama’s speech, and then was asked to repeat several sentences. EnglishCentral graded my pronunciation (I got a B), and by my third take I did much better.
But grades aren’t what’s important here. Since language learning is always extremely difficult – particularly if the main mode of learning is through books and texts – the audio-visual component is absolutely essential for internalizing the cultural contexts of a language. This service strikes me as one of the best ESL tools available online at the moment, and it is perfect for both students and teachers of the English as a Second Language (ESL) education group.
The Frisky – Looking for some solid celebrity news without the paparazzi goo and cheesy headlines? Want to dip into current style trends that transcend the gullible teen magazine spirit? Then you should pay The Frisky a visit – you won’t be disappointed. The Frisky is a high class entertainment blog covering ladies’ prominent fields of interest such as celebrities, relationships, sex, guys and more.
The Frisky draws some of its posts from other sources, such as YourTango for relationship advice, but overall, they produce enough original content of their own, which makes them a wonderful site worth your time. Check out their Gallery section or start exploring The Frisky with these two posts which I found interesting and worth sharing: Going Out Clothes that are Sexy, Not Slutty and 8 Super-cute Trick-or-Treat Baskets.
Beds Are Burning – ‘Beds Are Burning‘ is originally a 1987 hit single by the Australian rock band Midnight Oil which was originally a political song about Pintupi’s (Australian Aboriginal group) repatriation of ancestral lands. Click here for the full story. Today, ‘Beds are Burning’ is yet again in the center of a hot topic, this time manifested in its new cover version – the ‘Dry River Bed’ – having different lyrics and acting as a global music petition. If you haven’t figured out what this is about yet, we’re talking (and they’re signing) about global warming and climate change.
The new version features celebrities from around the world who are urging us and the world to take the global climate issue seriously. The song is available for free download, and each download automatically prompts the addition of the listener to the list of supporters. In addition to downloading the song, users have an additional participation option; clicking on the “Tck Tck Tck, Time for Climate Justice” link redirects users to a page where they can video record themselves saying “Tick.” The large numbers of Tickers will, as this campaign hopes, have a powerful and persuasive impact on the world’s leaders who will convene this coming December in Copenhagen, in order to formulate a robust and fair replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.
It Made My Day – Cherished moments, sporadically interspersed across one’s lifespan, are the experiences that shape the lives of each and every one of us. One particular cherished moment worth noting in this context is “It Made My Day” – a splendid website inviting people to express what made their day. You can sit back and relish in other users’ enjoyment peaks, or you may post yours for others to comment and vote on. My favorite moments include Johnny now said the U-word and Faces on Eggs. Another great way of staying updated with great moments would be through IMMD’s facebook fanpage (I am a fan).
Biscuit Tin – When was the last time you actually sat down and looked through an album of printed photos? My guess is you haven’t done this since the late 90s. Nevertheless, if you’re longing for this quasi-obsolete activity, you have the option of recreating that nostalgic hard copy feeling using Biscuit Tin. Simply enter your flickr account name and scatter your pictures all over. If you don’t have a flickr account, you can always use any flickr account that is public. You may start with my brother’s account – Roy Pessis – who is also the Co-Founder of AllMyFaves. Enjoy!