The Tweeted Times – A Twitter Digest of Your Followings

The Tweeted TimesThe Tweeted Times – The Tweeted Times aggregates news in your Twitter stream and ranks them by popularity among your friends. Never miss any important news! You can create a newspaper for any topic of your interest. Topical newspapers are based on streams produced by Twitter Lists or Twitter search.

The Tweeter Times

I Had Cancer – Your Story Can Help

I Had CancerI Had Cancer – I Had Cancer is a social support network focused on helping people deal with cancer more effectively, by connecting the people who have been there with the people who are there right now – Survivors, Fighters, and Supporters. This means, that providing some basic personal information will help match you with the people who need your help – and if you need help, the people who can help you.

Veetle – Broadcast Your Own Channel and Tune Into Others

Veetle – Veetle provides the next generation live broadcasting platform that can deliver extremely cost-effective streams at a massive scale with unprecedented quality. This unique platform therefore enables content owners, broadcasters and websites to reach millions of concurrent viewers with the highest fidelity content possible, at little or no additional cost. Our Beta website is already attracting millions of visitors per month.

Before diving into broadcasting your own channel, start with this Broadcasting 101 brief.

Weekly App: TuneTug – Let Everyone Be the DJ at Your Party

TuneTug – TuneTug is a new service that lets everyone be the DJ at parties and events. TuneTug allows your guests to ‘Tug’ up and down songs with their mobile phone that they want to hear. To set up TuneTug you need an internet connected iPhone, iPod or iPad – WiFi is suggested but not required.

Users on most any type of mobile device can vote and see the playlist live. TuneTug Voting has been tested on recent smartphone devices including: iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

To learn more about TuneTug and how to make the most of it, see the video below.

HardlyWork – The Facebook Camouflage Your Boss Will Love (and Won’t See)

HardlyWork – The name couldn’t have been a more appropriate choice of words. HardlyWork offers all the perks of checking in on your Facebook friends -on Facebook- but with the false appearance of a 100% work oriented spreadsheet. Simply sign in via Facebook log in button and see the magic happen before your eyes – away from your bosses’. Here’s what the Facebook spreadsheet looks like:

As you can see, the Excel formula bar is actually where you search for friends names. Hovering your mouse above likes and comments shows you their content and the person who made them and, if you need to log out, simply hit the X sign you usually click to close windows. It’s so simple and cunning we should expect an overwhelming expansion of hard working spreadsheet employees all over the country in no time…

Sneakerpedia – Share Your Sneaker Story

Sneakerpedia – Powered by Footlocker, Sneakerpedia is a unique platform for sneaker fans where they can contribute their favorite shoes’ history brief with their own personal story twist. What do your sneakers mean to you? Browse the gallery to find your own pair of sneakers, and if it’s missing, add it. Follow other proud sneakers owners and learn the history behind the classic shoes.

So what does a Sneakerpedia spotlight looks like? See for yourself below with the Air Max 1 example.

Weekly App: Photovine – Making Photo Conversation

Photovine – This social app by Google is a community of iOS users centered around photos shared with the world. Each photo starts a “Vine” -a thread of conversations users can add their own photos to and comment on.

Photovine is a well thought out application, and being an active member of the Photovine community depends on your compliance to the app’s guidelines. For that reason, photos submitted via Photovine should be original, meaning pics you took yourself while on the beach, at a party or other interesting, meaningful place. And no, nude pics are not OK and will be removed.

With Photovine you can follow Vines and interesting people through their photos. Interact with and contribute to the community and explore the cherished moments of many people worldwide. To learn more about Photovine, see the video below.

Pictory – Unique and Thought-Provoking Collective Photo Essays

Pictory – Editor, designer and founder of Pictory Laura Brunow invites you to “submit one large, captioned image to each of Pictory’s editorial themes.” The end result is stunning, collective photo essays where each photo (only grade A images are included) originates from a different person of a different country and culture, yet all images work together in harmony. Pictory is a well-designed and edited photo story-telling venue that is refreshing. Most photo essays online offer a variety of photos from the same photographer. Pictory is different, unique and engaging, and it’s rather easy to participate in.

To explore the essence of Pictory, start with Eat at Your Own Risk. Amazing stories told by submitted photos.

Weekly App: Zapd – Create Your Own Website Using Your iPhone

Zapd – This wonderful app offers an amazing free service. Create your very own website using Zapd’s system of templates and styles, add your mobile pics and voila, you are now the proud owner of a website. Zapd allows you to do all this on your iPhone, and the entire process from start to finish is fast, simple and fun.

Each website or “Zap” you create is automatically adapted to the device you used to make it, which means Zaps can be done via your iPhone, PC or tablet. And you can create as many Zaps as you wish, which is a great tool to use for simply sharing your interests and experiences, but also for special events such as birthdays, party invites, weddings and many more. Want to see some examples? Check out recent Zaps users have created.

To be honest, I’m surprised Zapd offers their sweet bundle of site creation for free. In other words, you’d better get this app now and start expressing yourself online! To learn more on how to use Zapd, see this intro video.

Quirky – Socially-Enabled Invention Platform

Quirky – Now these guys mean business. Quirky offers a mighty innovative platform where anyone from the global online community can pitch an idea for a practical, life-ameliorating invention, or a radical improvement of an existing product. Quirky handles the actual product development and marketing aspects, which pushes forward amazing ideas and makes them a solid, retailer-sold reality.

Quirky’s framework is so brilliant, they produce a new product every few days, and users are invited to take an active part in products’ development. Depending on their level of participation, contributing community members earn hard cash from the products’ sales in stores. Here’s more on how Quirky works.

My favorite part of Quirky? The Shop. It’s where you can buy many of Quirky’s manufactured products that make life so much easier, induced by people like you and me who shared their great idea. That’s where I found these two amazing products. The first is Weigh To Go, a multi-functional travel accessory whose compact form packs a digital scale, identification tag, and built-in lock to prevent theft. Available for presale ($33).

The second cool gadget I’d like to share is called Splash Stacks, a cushioned mat set that is easy on your knees when bathing a baby or a pet in the tub. Instead of kneeling on hard bathroom floor tiles Splash Stacks is the perfect alternative ($39.99). This product is in production.

Redux – Curating and Sharing Entertaining Content on the Web

Redux – It seems everybody’s talking about content curation these days, and many see this as the next level of social interactions online. What it means in simpler terms is that users worldwide share things they’ve discovered on the Web in various venues, in addition to the conventional social networks and blogs. Redux is yet another content curation hub where everyone’s invited to share entertainment finds in the form of photos, music, videos and websites.

Here’s a video I found on Redux that is particularly enchanting. Think of it as your daily chill pill.

Gtrot – Travel with the Help of Your Friends

Gtrot – The best tips come from family and friends, right? Gtrot uses this underlining axiom to offer a friends-based travel tool. How do they do it? Gtrot invites you to “find Facebook friends who live in your destination, friends who will be there at the same time, and friends who have been there before.” This way, the odds of you having the best trip ever skyrocket to sure success.

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