Path – Smart iPhone Journal App – Share Your Life with Friends

Introducing Path – A new iPhone App that allows you to keep a journal on your phone, and share it with your friends and family. Watch the demo video below to learn more. It’s really very cool. We at All My Faves recommend it!

If this seems like your thing, check out the website for the app here.

The Weekend Map – Find Local Events and Activities in your city this weekend

The Weekend Map – Ever struggle to think of things to do for the weekend in your city? Well not any more. The Weekend Map does something Facebook can’t: it lists all the public events in your local area for the upcoming weekend, in a lovely, easy-to-find way. Folks I gotta tell you, it’s really awesome, you have to try it. Click on the picture below, and let us know what you think! Maybe I’ll see you at an event in your town soon!

‘New York City Events – Find Local Events in your City for this Weekend!’

Zaarly – Buy and Sell with People Around You

Zaarly helps you buy and sell things with people who live in your local community. From what I’ve seen of it, it allows you to request services or goods from people living near you, and how much you’re willing to pay to get them. And it also allows you to advertise yourself as the goods or services provider, so you can earn some extra cash too.

It seems like a good idea, but depends on how many people in your area pick up the service. If you agree, I suggest signing up and getting started; you could rise to the top of the local rankings in no time! Watch the really, really.. really… happy lady in Zaarly’s introduction video below to see just how you can use Zaarly.

TwoSides – An exciting Internet Debating Platform

TwoSides is a great concept: A social debating platform. You see views from every side of an issue and compare viewpoints with others. It’s a concept for a new world, where people are more informed, open-minded, and tolerant. And the good news is, it works really beautifully. I’ve been busy reading a number of surprisingly mature arguments on some rather contentious issues on there, and I also enjoy wading in with my two cents every now and again as well.

My only concern for the site is that it really has to be moderated very carefully, especially when it becomes more widely used (which I think it really should be, because it’s brilliant!). I would worry that more extreme viewpoints would be given their head, and that debates turn into hate-filled dramas. However, maybe that’s another debate for the site’s users to give their input to!

Be sure to check out TwoSides’ awesome feature on the 2012 US Presidential Elections while you’re looking around too: It allows you to compare candidates to see whose views you most coincide with!

Coffee & Power – Get Your Small Jobs Done by Someone Else!

Coffee & Power – So I was leaving the AllMyFaves Towers the other day, after a hard day’s work discovering the internet for all you lucky readers, but instead of feeling relieved that I could go home and relax, I just felt stressed! Stressed that I had a million and one small jobs to do before I could sit with my hot chocolate in front of the latest episode of Desperate Housewives. Today, however, those of you who feel the same way can rejoice:

Coffee & Power is an online marketplace where people can literally sell their small jobs – from errands/deliveries; expertise on tap; teaching and coaching; to software building – for a small amount of money to other users! And if you fancy making some extra cash, you can use Coffee & Power to do small jobs too. – Interest Network – is building the world’s richest interest network. A place to learn and share with others who have the same interests. Where one day, your every interest, no matter how big or small, serious or silly, will have its own vibrant community of people who are just as passionate about it as you are. – Questions, Answers, and Friends – is a place to explore friendships and discover people beyond the boundary of your social network. The best way to discover and meet new people, of course, is to talk to them, and there’s really no better conversation starter than a question.

Oobafit – Free Online Fitness Programs

Oobafit – Oobafit wants to make it easier for everyone in the world to get a little bit healthier. Whether you are young or old, a marathon runner or a couch potato, pregnant or a snowboarder Oobafit can help you out. Getting and staying healthy is about getting the right exercise, eating well, setting realistic goals, staying motivated and having fun.

Wantworthy – Your Ultimate Fashion Wish List

Wantworthy – Find something you want while you’re shopping online but not ready to whip out the plastic? We feel your pain. Keep it safe on your new Wantworthy list. Add to your list from any site as you shop online. Come back later to see all of the items you’ve saved, organize them into groups, get feedback from friends and more.

You Are What You Read

You Are What You Read – You Are What You Read is a social networking site around books that celebrates the “great reads of our lives.” A part of Scholastic’s global literacy campaign, Read Every Day. Lead a Better Life, it is a global community for discussing the books that have influenced our lives.

Take This Lollipop – I Dare You

Take This Lollipop – Take This Lollipop is an Interactive Live Action Facebook Connect experience.

Showyou – Watch videos from your friends

Showyou – Watch videos from your friends on Facebook, and people you follow on Twitter, Vodpod and other social networks.

There is also a built in social network so you can connect with friends and interesting video curators.

Make friends on Showyou so you can share — and talk about — more of the videos you love.