
Top 50 Most Influential People to Follow on Instagram

If you're wondering who to follow on Instagram, you've come to the right place. We've…

Seven Digital Deadly Sins: Ethical Issues in the Digital Age

Seven Digital Deadly Sins is an interactive website with film and text exploring the topic…

Concert Window: Watch Live Concerts Online

Concert Window offers viewers the ability to watch concerts live from home, with two-thirds of…

Travelistly: A Better Trip Planning Guide

Travelistly is a social aggregator for travelers that connects you to related user-generated travel content…

Iam.DJ: EDM’s Social Networking Site

Iam.DJ is the ultimate tool for staying in touch with popular DJs and discovering new…

24Sessions: The Place to Go for Expert Advice

When you need assistance with a problem at work, you typically ask someone for help,…

Patients Like Me: Learn and Share with Patients Like You

Patients Like Me offers a platform for individuals to share their experiences with various diseases…

Learnist: Be A Know-It-All

Learnist is a website that allows users to post on various topics and allows readers…

Secret: Share Anything Anonymously With Your Friends

Secret is an app that allows you to share anything anonymously with your friends. (more…)

Connect: A New Type Of Mobile Address Book

Connect is a map and address book of all your friends. It syncs your contacts…

Facebook Paper: Share And Discover Stories

Facebook Paper is a new feature from the social media giant that allows users to…

Purple Clover – Everything Baby Boomers Need

Purple Clover is a website directed toward the baby boomer generation that allows you to…

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