The potential next phenomenon to swarm over the iPhone photosphere, Cinemagram ( fuses still photography with moving video to create a moving photo, or a partially still video…or whatever you want to call it. Either way, being able to animate a photo you’ve taken is really very clever, and it gives photographs posted online an extra dimension, literally.
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TourWrist – Are photos becoming outdated? They give us amazing memories, but how real can those memories really be, when they are so flat and one-dimensional? TourWrist believes it’s at the forefront of a new type of photography: dynamic, virtual, 360 degree panoramas, shot on your smartphone or iPad, and shared with the world, wherever you want to share it.
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CoverCanvas Facebook Timeline Cover Creator – Ah Facebook, how we love you, and your endless stream of service changes (or not…). And ah how we love your latest big change: the Timeline (or not…). Now we can all share the story of our lives with relative strangers over the internet, with a nice big cover picture to go at the top. Now most of our previous profile pictures just don’t have enough beauty to be a big glossy photo cover for our timelines, and that’s where Cover Canvas steps in… and does a really great job!
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If the thirteen words in this site’s tagline (“Only the Most Awesome Photo Gifts & Gear for Photographers”) don’t already say it all, I had better let a few pictures say a thousand more words. I actually think this online photography gear shop is so much fun to look around, that I can’t really say too much other than show you a couple of screenshots from it, and let you decide for yourself:
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Picking up on Foursquare’s idea of “gamifying” life, by giving you rankings, badges and prizes when you check into places you like to visit, Onefeat takes this one step further, into the world of Photo Sharing.
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IMCreator – Ever felt jealous of all those beautiful looking websites you’ve stumbled upon with All My Faves? Wish you could create a stunning website without having to pay a web designer thousands?
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Like Instagram, but on your computer. That’s how lots of people we’ve spoken to about PicYou have described it. It’s really very simple. Upload a photo onto the site, edit it using the site’s free photo editing filters, and share instantly, on Twitter, Facebook or wherever else you like to put your snaps. Click here to discover a fun, easy way to make your pics look great and share them instantly.
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Camera+ – This iPhone photo app is, in my humble opinion, rather amazing. I’ve been using it and wowing my friends with professional looking photos for months now, and it’s made me really love taking photos! Camera+ is great for anyone, whether you’re a seasoned photographer or someone who’s barely touched a camera.
Click on these awesome looking photos to get to the photo app site, and get ready to transform the way your iPhone takes photos
StudioArthur – And now time for a bit of British humour for you. A funny mummy in the UK has been passing the time at home with her baby, Arthur, by taking photos of him in (surprisingly accurate) recreations of famous movies. It speaks for itself really, and it’s so cute. Arthur already appears to be going viral, and so All My Faves has jumped on the proverbial bandwagon to bring you more of the best of the web
Rambo Arthur’s probably my favourite one, but there’s loads more to find. Leave a comment and let us know what you think!
Howdy! – We have a lot of ways to send personalized cards to friends and family over the internet. But on the iPhone? Well the choice was pretty sparse until Howdy came along rather conveniently. It’s a free app, that allows you to snap a photo or short video, add it to one of their cutesy templates, and then send it as a greeting card to someone you love. We think Howdy works very nicely, and the interface is simple, clean, yet fun. Check out the cool site Howdy’s creators have made before downloading. Just click on the pic to get there.
Jux – Jux is the ultimate place to share your photos, videos, words and more. It’s like blogging in HD. 100% delicious content. Zero crap.
Lemon – Lemon is the best way to keep track of your receipts and squeeze out all the useful information. All you have to do is snap a photo of your receipt and our technology extracts information that is searchable, taggable and securely accessible.