If you already think you waste too much time looking at funny stuff on the internet… probably best to look away now! From the makers of one of our fave coffee break sites of 2011, Attack of the Cute, comes I Waste So Much Time, which aims to show you funny pictures + videos, and let you rate them. And that’s it.
It’s simple. You go on the site, look at funny pictures or videos and interact with them, clicking on one of three buttons underneath (“Awesome”, “What the What!?”, or “Boring”). Try it: It’s free; no annoying facebook sign-ups to get through; and it’s fun clicking on the buttons. I have no more to say on the matter, you know what you have to do!
The Museum of Obsolete Objects – Did you ever think that the floppy disk was the most amazing thing you’d ever seen? Come on now, own up, I know at least some of you did! I never did, but then according to this clever Youtube channel, I was only 7 years old when it became obsolete!
The Museum is a stylish, sci-fi style selection of videos “from the future”; narrated by a strange, computerized character that talks about objects that have apparently become obsolete with time and innovation. Objects like radios, tapes and calculators. I did say apparently! So get your sci fi head on, watch the video below, and then click here to go to the Museum of Obsolete Objects.
Amen (GetAmen.com) – Ever wanted to get an opinion off your chest to the World? Get excited by the prospect of other people on the internet agreeing with you for example that Rick Santorum is probably the worst Republican Presidential candidate of all time? (Agree or disagree below!) Well now you can get an “Amen” or a “Hell No!” for any random opinion you have on GetAmen.com or its fun, free iPhone app!
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Dreamdoze – Tea with kangaroos; Car chases with Tom Cruise; Dreams, however bizarre they may appear, are what define our current psychological state. But have you ever wondered what they really mean? Dreamdoze knows the answer. Well, not actually Dreamdoze itself, but more its army of Mystic Meg-like users that share their interpretations of your dreams online.
Your very own Dream-Dictionary, it’s a huge, yet user-friendly archive of dreams and their interpretations, ranging from the common to the completely bizarre. And reading its users’ professional opinions on your subconscious, really can help to understand what’s going on in your mind. Click here or on the pic to have a go.
Arcade Fire’s Sprawl II – One of the songs from Arcade Fire’s amazing Grammy Award-winning album, The Suburbs, has now been turned into an interactive music video where us lucky viewers get to actually direct the content, using a webcam or mouse.
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For those of you who don’t know me (all of you!), my name’s Danny, and I’m a happy All My Faves employee. I’m also from Manchester, England. I actually graduated law school last year, and like the rest of the world’s population of university graduates, was staring down the barrel of a bleak year without any work!
Luckily for me, the delightful Roy and Shachar at All My Faves (yes, they are reading this…), invited me to come be a part of their ambitious project to turn the vast, confusing, inaccessible world of the internet into one visual page. One page where you can find the best websites for any category or interest. But also one page that contains hundreds of smaller, customizable homepages filled with specially selected sites made to satisfy your own specific niche interests for anything; from watching free TV online, to entrepreneurs, to the best music sites.
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Who doesn’t love a quick, free online game? We definitely do in the All My Faves HQ; in fact, we scour the depths of the internet every week to bring you the absolute best free, online games! Perfect for anyone of any age; you have Brain-Trainers, Word Games, Arcade Classics like Super Mario and Pacman, and addictive Coffee Break games like Bubbleshooter. Everything the secret game lover in you could ever want.
And in even better news, we’ve asked our users to help us find the 10 absolute best free games of 2011… And they’re in a nice easy to access list for you below! Just click on the pics below to get playing
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Well folks, happy new year. In a blaze of fireworks and e-greetings, 2012 has finally arrived. And as we stride over the finishing line of a tumultuous year for the internet, All My Faves – your one stop easy guide to the Web – has decided to look past Facebook and Twitter to find 2011’s most unique and interesting sites. We selected the 10 coolest sites in categories like music, travel and education; and then handed the job of picking the absolute best in each category down to you, allowing you to vote on your favorites. And here they are. Ladies and gents, never mind Facebook, here’s our review of the Best of the Web in 2011.
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Picking up on Foursquare’s idea of “gamifying” life, by giving you rankings, badges and prizes when you check into places you like to visit, Onefeat takes this one step further, into the world of Photo Sharing.
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TwentyTwoWords – The crazy, curious, and comical side of the wide world web, curated for your enjoyment. It’s a classic coffee break blog filled with crazy, funny, and interesting links. Click on the adorable picture below to check it out.
Check out the All My Faves nominees for Coffee Break Sites of the Year 2011 if you enjoy fun sites like this. You’ll discover 10 awesome websites that are great for a quick browse during your break, and the power is in your hands to vote for the winner too. Click here to see them.
One for the kid in you (or actually your kids), The Muppets Never Ending Mahna Mahna Phenomena is a celebration of the upcoming Disney Muppets movie. It’s very hard to explain other than that it’s an ongoing “Mahna Mahna” song. And it’s actually borderline hilarious! Check it out. If you’re a Muppets fan, it’d be criminal not to!
WeTopia is a social game in which players can earn ‘Joy’ by playing with friends, and spend that Joy helping children in the real world. Or in other words, if you play this fun, free online game, you actually help to fund projects by WeTopia’s partnered NPOs like Save The Children, Help Heal Haiti and the Childrens’ Health Fund.
What could be better? Playing free online games and donating to NPOs. At the same time. For free! We’ve been playing it in the All My Faves HQ, and we’re feeling pretty good about ourselves right now 🙂