Kicksend – Easy Real-Time File Sharing

Kicksend lets you send files of any size to any friend or email. It will also download and organize your files. Sounds simple enough, and well, that’s Kicksend’s mission: to make the act of sharing and receiving files extremely simple and effortless. You’ll have to download their desktop application first, but once you’ve got past that mini milestone, the filesharing fun should begin instantly!

The big question of course is whether it can replace whatever program you already use to send files to your friends. I normally just use Skype for that kind of thing, but if you’re wanting to transfer a large amount of files, like photos, videos etc, then this might be a good solution for you.

TwoSides – An exciting Internet Debating Platform

TwoSides is a great concept: A social debating platform. You see views from every side of an issue and compare viewpoints with others. It’s a concept for a new world, where people are more informed, open-minded, and tolerant. And the good news is, it works really beautifully. I’ve been busy reading a number of surprisingly mature arguments on some rather contentious issues on there, and I also enjoy wading in with my two cents every now and again as well.

My only concern for the site is that it really has to be moderated very carefully, especially when it becomes more widely used (which I think it really should be, because it’s brilliant!). I would worry that more extreme viewpoints would be given their head, and that debates turn into hate-filled dramas. However, maybe that’s another debate for the site’s users to give their input to!

Be sure to check out TwoSides’ awesome feature on the 2012 US Presidential Elections while you’re looking around too: It allows you to compare candidates to see whose views you most coincide with!

Papernstitch – Crafts, DIY & Home Deco Blog

The papernstitch blog – We’ve been looking far and wide for new and interesting Crafts, DIY and Home Decor sites, seeing as so many of you guys love our useful AllMyCrafts page. And Papersnitch is a quality blog for all you craft lovers out there. It focuses on giving crafty business advice, DIY project reviews, home decor ideas, and also features artists, makers, crafters, and indie labels. A little bit of everything. The blog is updated with new posts 2-4 times a day, Monday-Friday. If this sounds like your thing, why not click on the big picture below and take a look around. You may find that project idea you’ve been searching for!

Devour – Awesome Hand-Picked Videos – Interesting fact here for you: Around 48 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Apparently that would take you approximately 2800 years to watch all those millions of videos. So good luck trying to find something worth watching on your lunch break!

Devour sifts out the best videos and posts the well-curated collection every weekday. Much like AllMyFaves’ very own handpicked awesome video page in fact… So if you’re tired of the seemingly endless stream of cute kittens and laughing babies, but still want something new and fresh, you’ve got a new site to try out. Actually two. Click both links. You’re welcome.

Seriously funny: Batman is bad at Riddles!

Baby Arthur Recreates Scenes from Classic Movies

StudioArthur – And now time for a bit of British humour for you. A funny mummy in the UK has been passing the time at home with her baby, Arthur, by taking photos of him in (surprisingly accurate) recreations of famous movies. It speaks for itself really, and it’s so cute. Arthur already appears to be going viral, and so All My Faves has jumped on the proverbial bandwagon to bring you more of the best of the web 🙂

Rambo Arthur’s probably my favourite one, but there’s loads more to find. Leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Being Henry – An Interactive Adventure About Choices

Being Henry is actually a Range Rover interactive advert. But before you sigh at the sheer capitalism of it all and move on, we at All My Faves recommend you try this, mainly because, well, it’s really, really cool!

It’s called ‘Being Henry’, and it’s an interactive film in which you get to control a man called Henry’s, and decide what he does with his day through multiple storylines. It merges storytelling and interactivity in a seamless and intuitive way. So if you have a few minutes to spare, see what you think of this. And why not leave us a comment to tell us what you think, and what choices you made for Henry.

Pursuit of Hat – Pick Off Limbs

Pursuit of Hat – Here’s a great game for you to try. It’s a sweet platform puzzle game. You control a strange little creature that’s lost its hat. Help it get its hat back by adventuring across various obstacles. Don’t be afraid to pick off limbs to reach your goal!

The Eatery – Stop Counting Calories, Start Eating Better

The Eatery – Massive Health have released a new app that helps you eat better without  having to waste time obsessing over calorie counting! You use The Eatery to snap photos of your food. The app will then provide a big-picture breakdown of your habits, including your strengths, weaknesses, and the best places to start making a change.

It really is clever, and also very nicely presented too, which is always a big plus for us. This is also the kind of site that we feature in our Recipes Faves page. Check it too, it’s essential for any foodie among us!

Coffee & Power – Get Your Small Jobs Done by Someone Else!

Coffee & Power – So I was leaving the AllMyFaves Towers the other day, after a hard day’s work discovering the internet for all you lucky readers, but instead of feeling relieved that I could go home and relax, I just felt stressed! Stressed that I had a million and one small jobs to do before I could sit with my hot chocolate in front of the latest episode of Desperate Housewives. Today, however, those of you who feel the same way can rejoice:

Coffee & Power is an online marketplace where people can literally sell their small jobs – from errands/deliveries; expertise on tap; teaching and coaching; to software building – for a small amount of money to other users! And if you fancy making some extra cash, you can use Coffee & Power to do small jobs too.

Cull TV – The Next Generation of Music Television

Cull.TV – Ladies and gents, music connosseurs all over the world, AllMyFaves is proud to present to you the site that aims to bring the music television experience into the Internet age with simplicity and style. No more clicking from music video to music video or site to site to watch what’s trending now. Cull’s streamlined interface brings it all together in one place. On Cull, you’ll find new videos from music’s leading tastemakers and artists updating constantly.

Your first experience of Cull.TV will be a cool new music video from the Cull New Music Channel; but to find music more to your tastes, move your mouse to the right side of the screen. A menu bar appears, allowing you to search channels for different music genres, or simply search for music from your favourite artists.

We at AllMyFaves Towers all agree that, potentially, we’ve found you a stylish and simple replacement for Youtube! Try it out and see what you think.

A snapshot of some of Cull.TV's ready-made music video channels – Realtime Voice and Audio Sharing

FlipZu is a clever application for computers and smartphones that allows you to share your voice and audio content in realtime. You can literally broadcast anything to the world, from your phone or computer, completely live. From concerts and parties to conferences, or just the sound of your friends fooling around. You can also have your own radio show or even start a station!

Litfy – An all-you-can-eat feast of Free E-Books

Litfy – We’re definitely in the early stages of the ‘Age of the E-Reader’ (I’m copyrighting that by the way!), and Lifty has jumped on the bandwagon by providing you eager bookworms with thousands of free e-books.

And it couldn’t be easier to use: You just go onto from any device, search for a book you would like to read, click ‘Read now’ and start reading! Free, simple, charming; what more could a book lover ask for!