Weirdo Toys – Unconventional Playtime

Weirdo Toys – This unusual blog was a smashing Weekly Blog a week ago, therefore it scored a Weekly Fave spot last week. According to the site’s About page, the anonymous creator started this blog so it will serve as a site “dedicated to showcasing the quirky, neat, bizarre, sometimes forgotten and downright ugly toys that I’ve stumbled upon.”

I just love the nostalgic premise and the oddity that infuses Weirdo Toys, and it’s so unique I just keep coming back for more. See the photos of some of the obscure toys you will find on the site, along with the stories behind them.

Get Fit Slowly – Healthy Living, Results Included

Get Fit Slowly – This insightful fitness blog is brought to us by the pseudonym writer MacDaddy, a stay at home dad of two kids. MacDaddy shares with us his journey of losing weight, including all the struggles and successes he encounters along the way.

Get Fit Slowly is not about losing those extra pounds as fast as possible. It’s about a sensible and healthy weight watching and fitness lifestyles that make a difference the natural way. To start off, I suggest you check out the popular posts section -it’s where I found the informative post on Learning to Use Heart Rate Zones for Exercise. Another great feature Get Fit Slowly offers is meal suggestions that are both tasty and healthy for you, under What’s For Dinner. See the pic below of the delicious Salmon and Fennel with Roasted-Lemon Vinaigrette.

The Colony – Worst Case Scenario Enacted

The Colony – Aired on Tuesdays at 10 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel, The Colony is a hypothesized scenario of what it would be like if a pandemic were to affect all of us and the people we care about. I’m not a big fan of hypothesized horrors, but if you are, this one’s for you.

You will need a Facebook account to log in, but first watch the introductory video that sets the scene. Although this genre isn’t my cup of tea, the Discovery Channel has done an amazing job in making this horrible what-if case come to life, and making sure you’re right there every step of the way.

Atmosphir – Create A Character and Play

Atmosphir – This avatar-like game is a great virtual world game. Create your character and play many levels, in either solo or multi-player modes. Choose levels by difficulty, most popular or game mode and let the fun begin! Before you begin, I suggest you check out the video below.

Light Flight – Creating Light

Light Flight – Create blocked sections of light and chase away the mean orbiting circles to progress to the next level. Light Flight is a fun game, but you will need to have a firm strategy to make it. For more addicting online games and updates visit our I ♥ Games page and get instant updates on the best and latest of the online games industry.

The 99 Percent – Making Ideas a Bona Fide Reality

The 99 Percent – This amazing blog was part of our Weekly Blogs lineup last week, and it scored the most visits. That is why it was promoted to a Weekly Fave position. Presented as Behance’s ‘think tank,’ 99% is an implementation source for ideas in the creative world. According to 99% here’s what they offer: “Our profiles of proven idea makers, action-oriented tips, best-practices sessions, and annual conference are all designed to help you transform ideas from vision to reality.”

A mere visit to 99% will tickle your creativity nerve ends and overwhelm you with inspiration. The site is fabulously designed, the posts cover a range of topics and effective idea how to’s. After reading a couple of posts you’ll see for yourself that the 99% team screams professionalism, great taste and creative know-how. Explore 99% articles, tips, videos, conference and speakers, sessions (by Behance) and check out their book, Making Ideas Happen. I’ve RSS-ed to 99% and even if you’re not working in the creative world you have much to gain from visiting this site on a regular basis. The inspiration is simply pouring out. I especially enjoyed reading The Cure for Creative Block? Leave Your Desk and seeing Ji Lee’s lecture on The Transformative Power of Personal Projects. The video is below.

YouTube to MP3 Converter – Great Music, No Compromises

YouTube to MP3 Converter – Get any song you want on your PC, Mac or mobile device with the cool YouTube to MP3 Converter. This site has found a way to make it easy for you to get whatever song you like, using YouTube videos. All you have to do is go to YouTube, copy the URL of your favorite video, and paste it on the MP3 Converter site. Wait for some 20 seconds and the MP3 file will be ready for download. It’s as simple as that.

I gave it a try with a lesser known yet just as amazing Jonny Cash song Tennessee Stud. It worked wonderfully.

Startup Quotes – Take it From Them

Startup Quotes – Aphoristic quotes go a long way. Startup Quotes is an ingenious, inspiring and fun site where each post is a short tip, insight or concept, quoted from founders and co-founders of today’s major companies (mostly of the tech and communication fields). Learn what Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos’ tip for startups is (“Build yourself a great story”), and take Dropbox Co-founder Drew Houston’s advice on learning (“Learn early, learn often”). Each post is a beautifully presented startup tip non-entrepreneurs will benefit from just as much. For the finish, in light of the Apple iPhone 4 hitch that’s been buzzing around in recent weeks, see Steve Jobs’ tip for startups below. If you feel like sharing your tip, submit it here.

thredUP – Used Kids Clothing Exchange

thredUP – You buy your 5 year old kid an entire wardrobe. A year later nothing fits. We’re all familiar with this scenario. But before you head for the mall or your favorite retail store, consider this idea: clothing swap. thredUP is a great time and money saving solution for families looking for the right size of apparel items for their growing children. Although the swap is for used clothing, they’re all in good condition. You only pay for the shipping costs and you must provide a box of clothes your child has outgrown. This exchange is a terrific concept and I sincerely hope it will catch on. After all, it saves time, money, and it’s all about good intentions. thredUP is a win-win situation. – Creative Short Movies Galore – Explore the wonders and creativity behind the amazing collection of creative short movies at Browse the various categories (from animation and art to action, drama, even sci-fi). See movies from all over the world, appreciate the power that lies in global talent, and feel free to submit a short movie of your own.
It was very difficult for me to choose just one movie to share with you guys, but I finally narrowed it down to the Italian movie, Notte Sento (with English subtitles), by Urban Team. You can also see the movie below. Enjoy. – Not Your Ordinary Photo Gallery – Claiming to be a photo community with a difference, 1x is definitely unique. Aside from the absolutely gorgeous photos showcased here (hundreds of them in every possible category), serious amateur as well as professional photographers are welcome to contribute and add their works. I was happy to find an eCard section on 1x, which totally leaves the usual electronic greeting card sources in the photography dust. See a couple of amazing photos I was blown away by, and these are just the tip of the 1x iceberg.

The Wanderer by M.J. Arcanjo

Cowgirl by Nicole Bohem

Shit My Kids Ruined – A Mess Only A Mother Could Love

Shit My Kids Ruined – Kids will be kids, and this is particularly true for the chaotic, draw-on-everything, spill-whatever-is-in-your-hands, phase young children are known for. Julie Haas Brophy woke up one morning to find out her little boy spilled a can of black paint all over her living room carpet. She posted photos of the mess on Facebook and she got reactions from all over. The next morning Julie decided to make an actual documentary-like blog of such mishaps in the house caused by her kids, husband and dog.

The result is Shit My Kids Ruined (or SMKR for short). Be sure to check out the domain in the future since the tumblr site might become obsolete sometime in the future. See some photos below of what it’s like in Julie’s house. I admire great projects that started out as an ordeal, and Julie has turned what other mothers would consider a continual disaster into a hilarious and fun thing. Go Julie! By the way, SMKR was also a Weekly Blog on our Blogs page, and users all over flocked to her site – she scored very high on popularity. Therefore SMKR made it to the Weekly Faves lineup.