Keepy: Keep All Of Your Kids’ Creations

Keepy is a social media site for kid’s creations, allowing parents to upload pictures of anything their children make and preserve it online, for friends and family members to comment on.

Keep Everything Online.

Kids make a lot of awesome stuff. From arts and crafts project at school to their own inventions at home, most kids seem to be constantly creating. Because they produce so much stuff, however, it can be easy for their creations to be lost in storage bins, tossed aside and forgotten or thrown out. changes that by preserving all of a child’s creative endeavors online. As soon as a parent sets up a profile, they can start snapping pictures of their child or children’s drawings, lego creations, birthday cards or anything else that they want to be digitally preserved online. The site then makes it easy to organize the creation and its creator, along with a recording of you or your child explaining whatever it is that they have created.

Never Lose a Creation Again.

In addition to preserving your kid’s creations, also allows you to easily share them with friends and family members. Those invited to become a “fan” of your kid’s page can leave video comments that appear next to the photo, allowing your child to see words of encouragement from loved ones that may happen to live in different locations. There’s no limit to the type of content that your child might create, so Keepy doesn’t limit their site to hosting only, say, drawings that your kid makes. Anything of your child’s that you want to be hosted —letters, sculptures, play dough creations or funny faces — it can all be uploaded to the site. This makes it easy to preserve and share your child’s experience growing up and creating as it’s happening.

Will Hagle:

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