Find The Invisible Cow: An Addicting Simple Game

Find The Invisible Cow is a great, simple game that can be played entirely in your web browser.

Can you Find the Invisible Cow?

Find The Invisible Cow might be one of the best, most simplistic uses of programming knowledge that the world has ever seen. While the site doesn’t offer any revolutionary technology or a cool new product, it certainly does entertain. Hosted on the site is a game in which users must locate the cow. You might think that the cow is hidden amongst a crowd of similarly colored animals, like a barnyard Where’s Waldo. You would be wrong. The cow is invisible, and it’s hiding somewhere behind the blank white screen that fills your browser window when you click “Start Game” on the site. There’s no time limit to find him, but it shouldn’t take you long.

Can you Find the Invisible Cow ON EXPERT MODE?

Although the cow is invisible, it’s not quiet. As the game instructions read, the cow “is hiding behind all the shouting.” That shouting consists of the word “cow!” being yelled over and over. When your cursor is far away from the cow, the shouting is softer, and it gets louder as you get closer to wherever the cow might be hiding on the webpage. When your cursor hovers over the cow, it changes from an arrow to a finger. You click, and you find the cow like over 3 million other users already have. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s honestly extremely fun and funny. For those feeling extra-smart, there’s also an “expert mode” of the game, which simply removes the feature that changes your cursor when you’re hovering over the cow. When you find the cow, it pops up on the screen and congratulates you with a nice “moo.” There’s also the ability to buy the guy that made the whole game a beer or a case, via a donation button hosted on the site.

Will Hagle:

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