FiveThirtyEight: Current Events for the Data-Loving Reader

FiveThirtyEight is a ESPN's newest star delivering today's most current events in an analytic manner,…

TouchOfModern: Add Style to Your Life

TouchOfModern is an e-commerce site focused on trendy new designs. Any gadget lover will appreciate the…

AnyRoad: A Different Type Of Tour Booking Site

AnyRoad is a worldwide, curated marketplace for creative and niche tours. It promotes responsible travel, as… Improve Your English with Creative Writing Promts provides daily creative writing prompts to help improve your English writing skills. The site…

Spoonacular: A Search Engine For Recipes

Spoonacular helps users discover the best, healthiest, most popular and cheapest dishes of any type.…

Turtle Mega Rush: This Turtle Will Not End Up in a Soup!

Turtle Mega Rush is a running flash game where you escape an evil Chef who…

#TheRapTest: Test your hip hop IQ

Ever wonder if there was a way to quantitatively measure your hip hop IQ? Well…

Useful Science: Useful and Fun Science Facts

Have you ever been in an awkward situation and needed a fun, easy-going way to…

Clickhole: A hilarious parody of new online media

The guys behind The Onion launched Clickhole, a click-baity website that satirizes the Buzzfeeds, Upworthies,…

Slingshot: Snapchat with a catch

Facebook released Slingshot, a Snapchat-esque photo-sharing app,with a unique feature that forces user engagement. (more…) Booking.coms’ new extension for vacation rentals

Accommodation booking giant has created, a service that provides an easy way to…

You’re Getting Old!: Discover How Old You Really Are

You're Getting Old! is a fun website that calculates and reports interesting stats relating to…

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