Posted on Monday, February 8th, 2010 by Annat Katz
HabitForge – As the name suggests, HabitForge is here to transform aspirations into actions, and installing a change for the better in your life. With the help of the HabitForge community (to help you in terms of staying accountable and receiving support), users are invited to join and start making things happen. What things exactly? You name it; users seek to create a daily exercise routine, stop smoking and even meditate every morning.
This site reminded me of 43Things, which we featured as a great New Year’s Resolution facilitator. At any rate, HabitForge is well-intentioned and well executed. I seriously believe this site will give you all the necessary support and solidarity you’ll need if and when you choose to make a change. My best tip for you is this one: keep it up for 21 days, and you’re more than likely to have a long-term success.